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Facebook Ads for the Best Tax Prep Business

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Facebook Ads for the Best Tax Prep Business

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Tax Preparation Facebook Ad

Test your website’s SEO and social media score in 60 seconds! Diib is one of the best SEO and social media monitoring tools in the world. Diib syncs to Facebook and Google Analytics and uses the power of big data to help you quickly and easily increase your social media traffic and SEO rankings.


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As we come to the close of this year, I have been thinking of and researching about the best ways to market a business using the most populated social media platform in the world (Facebook). There are tons of businesses around the globe that could positively influence their marketing strategies on Facebook by learning how to use the platform successfully. With the right Facebook marketing strategy for your business, you can take advantage of the limitless opportunities offered by the social network platform.

With more than 1.49 billion members from across the globe, Facebook offers the most influential platform for marketers in the world. It is not only the most valuable and cost-effective marketing opportunity for business, but also the most crowded platform with clients and customers and, therefore, offers the largest revenue returns on marketing investment. No matter what your business is, there is always an ideal audience for you on Facebook; it is only a matter of figuring out how to find them.

How to advertise a business on Facebook

Facebook holds the potential to help companies expand their audience without breaking the bank. To advertise on Facebook, you will have to take advantage of the “Facebook Campaigns.” The cost of using Facebook Campaigns depends on the level of engagement you achieve and how long the advertisement lasts on Facebook.

Before anything else, you will have to come up with your business’ tax preparer advertising ideas and goals and select the appropriate campaign objective. From Facebook Campaigns, you can choose from a list of objectives including raising attendance to an upcoming event, getting new people to visit your website, boosting a particular post, or simply to promote your website in general. Facebook offers these objective options to allow marketers and website owners to hone their campaigns for maximum efficiency. The Facebook ad you choose to use will be hinged on the objective you choose. Here are the objective options:

Tax Preparation Facebook Ad

Next, you need to choose your target audience. Facebook outdoes other social networks in this aspect. Since Facebook collects more data than any other social network, you get an amazingly huge pool of information to optimize your advertisement and pages. Facebook allows you to select your target audience for your Facebook ad by gender, language, age, interest, and online behavior among many more. These options allow you to customize your tax preparation ads to target precise audiences in your marketing strategy. For example:

Tax Preparation Facebook Ad

Facebook also allows marketers to toggle between targeting people who are already audiences and follow your business on Facebook and those who are not followers and are not familiar with your business. Once you have successfully created your target audience, you only have to set your budget (daily or weekly) and your Facebook business ad is already up and running.

FACTS: Roughly two-thirds of U.S. adults report that they are Facebook users. In fact, there are over 80 million small businesses using Facebook’s free business tools. (HubSpot)

Are Facebook ads worth the cost?

Despite the hordes of social network platforms, Facebook still enjoys the broadest audience in the world, with approximately 68% of Americans currently on Facebook. While this does not necessarily mean that you should ignore the 25% of Americans that use LinkedIn and 24% that use Twitter, it means that you should put more marketing efforts on Facebook and then expand your social media portfolio.

Of course yes! Compared to other marketing channels, the cost of advertising on Facebook is merely chump change. With Facebook, you get the largest pool of new visitors than with any other social media channel. With a surprisingly small amount of money, you can get amazing results from Facebook tax preparer advertising ideas. For instance, with just $5 a day, your website could enjoy hundreds of new website visitors, new clients, signups and more. If you are working on a limited budget, simply configure a reasonable daily or weekly Facebook budget cap so you do not end up spending more than your business can afford.

Facebook advertising works more efficiently than any on any other social media platform for obvious reasons. Moreover, it is designed to find your business new qualified leads, better appeal to a highly customized target audience, and expansion of your social reach with comparatively little effort. For any market-savvy small and medium enterprises, Facebook is the best option to advertise their products and business.

Elements of an Effective Facebook Ad

Despite the fact that Facebook ads for accountants are largely effective, most business owners that do not purpose to use them are not aware of the elements to include in a Facebook ad. It is not enough to simply create a Facebook ad. You will also need to make your advertisement unique, eye-catching, and interesting to your target audience. Since there are thousands of ads running on Facebook at any given time, your advertisements should have the capability to compete effectively for users day-in day-out.

It is essential to have all the favorable elements of a Facebook ad on yours to avoid wasting valuable time and money. Successful Facebook tax preparation Facebook ads often share common characteristics. Here are several elements of a successful Facebook ad that you should take keen note of the next time you create a Facebook ad for your business.

i. Finding your target audience

According to a report by Bain & Company, it costs 6 to 7 times more to acquire a new client than to retain an existing one. Creating strategic Facebook ads for accountants that focus on your target audience will not only save you money but also create more business for your tax rep business. However, the question remains: Who is my target audience?

One of the best ways to find your target audience is by looking through your current client database and finding common characteristics among them. Some of the characteristics you should be looking for in your clients’ information are:

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  • Age: Are your clients in a common age group?
  • Marital status: Are most of your clients single or married?
  • Homeowner: Are your clients homeowners?
  • Income: Is there a common income bracket for your clients?

After finding the answers to these questions, you can use the information to help you develop a customized target ad to lead more potential clients to your web page or local business. Facebook is your best source of customers if you primarily prepare taxes for families and individuals. However, if you intend to be working more with business owners, LinkedIn could be the better route for your business.

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ii. Clear and Strong Call to Action

First, a good Facebook ad must contain a strong call-to-action that encourages your target audience to click on the link to sign up or buy something. It is essential to use words that drive your target audience to perform a specific action. Additionally, it is also important to keep in mind the fact that your Facebook ad will have limited space for the call-to-action, so your words will need to be powerful and perfectly curated. Headlines on call-to-actions are limited to 25 characters (about 5 words), while the body is limited to 90 characters (about 20 words). For instance:

Tax Preparation Facebook Ad

(Image Credit: AdEspresso)

iii. Minimal text and optimized size

Facebook images should not exceed 110×80 pixels in size or be less than 5 kilobytes. It should also not feature more than 20% text on the selected image or else Facebook filters will reject it.

iv. Eye Catching Graphics

Other than capturing leads, graphics are perhaps the most important features of a Facebook ad. Graphics refer to what an ad looks like to the users. It should not only depict your business type, but also instantly catch the attention of your target audience when they come across it. For instance, if you intend to market your fitness studio, it is advisable to get the best image of people working out in a gym. Whatever the business you are marketing, you have endless options when it comes to advertising on Facebook. For example:

Tax Preparation Facebook Ad

(Image Credit: Wishpond)

Tips on how to use Facebook ads for your tax prep business

Have a working conversion funnel before turning to Facebook ads: To successfully turn a profit from Facebook, you must already have a process that converts visitors into clients. Often, accountants make the mistake of moving to advertise on Facebook before they are certain that their conversion funnels work.

If, for instance, you intend to begin your tax office marketing by directing your audience to one of your blog posts, the first question you should ask yourself is, “Where do I need to direct the reader next using the blog post?” Then, “How do I guide them there using this blog post?”

After putting the conversion funnel in place, you must then test to see if it actually works. To test your conversion funnel, you must get visitors to read your blog, see if they read through it and whether they do what you directed them to do. Turning on your Facebook tax preparation Facebook ads before you are sure your conversion funnel works will only waste your time and money.

Building an audience on Facebook

If you have already tested your funnel and are sure that they bring in conversions, then now you need to bring in prospects that are interested in the service you are offering. Bringing the wrong audiences to your blog or web pages will not get you any returns and all your tax office marketing efforts will be in vain. You must make sure that you get the right audience to see your Facebook tax preparation ads and that they need the service you are offering.

To consistently build an audience on Facebook, you will have to build an email list of your prospects, customers, people that subscribe to your blog, and any other people that may need your services. After creating an email list, create a custom audience of the users on the lists on Facebook. Facebook will then find similar users on its database for you. However, if you are not specific on the type of audience you would like to get to view your ads, Facebook will put effort in finding you people but they won’t be of any use to your business. Do not give general characteristics just to get a large audience to view your ads; this will just waste your precious time and resources. If you are not sure what your demographic is take a look at Facebook’s Page Insights tool to discover it:

Tax Preparation Facebook Ad

(Image Credit: Constant Contact Blogs)

Test every aspect and be very patient: Advertising might appear easy to the armature webmaster. However, it is actually hard, even with social platforms to help us reach our target audience. As tax rep accountants, we often think our job is hard, but in hindsight, I would rather get a paycheck for accounting rather than for a converting tax practice marketing campaign. It not only takes patience, but also requires you to test every aspect very consistently.

Marketing campaigns take vigilance and patience. The renowned FB marketers that I have talked to, insist on patience with their marketing campaigns, with each of them running into roadblocks more than once in their demanding careers. However, you must also keep moving forward and stay focused on the goals of your marketing campaign. If any of your tax practice marketing tactics seems unproductive, try a new one and find out what works best for your campaign.

Quitting is not an option in marketing. In fact, one of the Facebook marketers I researched says that “Quitters will never grow wealthy”. Do not make excuses for how unfair the market is; instead, find out what is ailing your campaign, change it, and move forward. Keep brushing up on the aspects you believe can get you more visits and one day, you will realize that while FB marketing was not straightforward, it has the potential to make you smile when you take a look at your bank account.

Give offers and promotions: From time to time, it is a good idea to offer your visitors and customers an irresistible offer. Think of the thing that your new prospective clients will most likely take you up on without necessarily going far lengths. Your offer should have the following characteristics:

  • Has a specific purpose/promise
  • Has a value to your prospective clients
  • Solves a problem for your prospect

Your offer/promotion should go hand in hand with your FB advertisements goals. Below are some examples of good offers for a Facebook ad:

  • $60 off on any income preparation
  • Free consultation for the first meeting
  • Tax saving guide and ideas
  • End of year bookkeeping checklists

We hope that you found this article useful.

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Optimize you web pages

Your Facebook marketing strategy might be on point. However, when your users get to your website, they get discouraged by poor graphics, unresponsive text, and poorly formatted text. It is essential that you optimize your website not only for tax, but also for all small companies. Make your website easy on the eyes, user-friendly, mobile-friendly and responsive so that your visitors do not leave without reading through your blog or services. Use tools such as Google’s Mobile Friendly Test to determine whether or not your website is mobile friendly, for example:

(Image Credit: The SEM Post)

Apart from optimizing your website for SEO, you will need to make sure that the design of your web pages is appealing. Track your website’s performance to be in the know when business is going down and to know where to make changes and improvements. While search engine optimization and website design may need some help from a qualified marketing agency, they are well worth the effort.

It is also essential to have your business registered on Google My Business. Make sure you avail all the necessary information such as your business address, phone number, and email address to make it straightforward for your visitors and customers to contact you when searching for services on your website. To make it even easier for them, you could give the phone number on your website a click-to-call function, so the user only has to click on it to give your customer service team a call.

Use Facebook Lead Ad

One of the types of ads that Facebook offers is a lead ad. On a Facebook Lead Ad, your prospects can fill out a lead form that you designed while they are still on the Facebook App, instead of having to access your landing pages. The lead ad pre-populates the form with the user’s Facebook profile information making it much easier for them to fill out the rest of the information with a few clicks and taps.

You will need to set up the following things before creating your Facebook lead ad:

  • Allow access to your Facebook Business page
  • Set up your privacy policy page URL
  • Create a video or image for your lead ad

Consistently follow up on your leads

When a prospect enters their information on a lead form, their email address is added to your email list. You can also download a report from Facebook containing all your prospects’ contact information. You have to reach all your prospects on a personal level and immediately.

For a more immediate response, it is best to set up follow-up emails in your autoresponder to go out immediately when a prospect clicks on the button on your lead form. The email should first thank them for signing up as well as reiterating your offer from the Facebook ad they clicked. It would also be wise to call all your leads within 30 minutes of signing up to set up an appointment as soon as possible.

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First off, choose your objective and what you hope to accomplish. Here are the following steps:

  • Log into Facebook Ads Manager and select the Campaigns tab.
  • Then click Create to get started with a new Facebook ad campaign.
  • Name your campaign.
  • Set up your ad account.
  • Target your audience.
  • Choose your Facebook ad placements.
  • Set your budget and schedule.
  • Create your ad.

First of all, get involved in the community and get to know its members. Go to business events and meet other professionals in your local area. Network with other business owners to get new clients.

  1. Create a fan page
  2. Stay active on social media
  3. Join facebook groups
  4. List your events
  5. Monetize your blog
  6. Ask for shares

If you are measuring cost by CPC, then an average cost is $0.27 per click. If you’re measuring cost per thousand impressions (CPM), Facebook advertising costs about $7.19 CPM.

There are lots of ways to write a good copy on Facebook ads:

  1. Make a catchy CTA headline
  2. Keep it to 5 words or under
  3. Add a benefit to the headline
  4. Keep it simple
  5. Use special characters
  6. Be empathetic

Welcome to diib! Our analytics platform syncs to your Google Analytics account (not required to start) in just 60 seconds and helps over 250,000k business owners affordably grow their website by showing them how to grow. We offer a free basic website scan and a variety of PRO memberships starting at just $29.99 a month.

With so many members we are also able to provide wholesale pricing combined with very high-quality work on services such as:

  • Quality backlink development (DA10-DA80 websites)
  • Professional Google Analytics installations
  • Website speed analysis and optimization
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  • Article writing and publishing (500-5000+ words)
  • Create your free account by entering your website below and we’ll be able to show you all the other services we offer to our members!

Daniel Urmann

Author Bio:

Daniel Urmann is the co-founder of Diib.com. Over the past 17 years Daniel has helped thousands of business grow online through SEO, social media, and paid advertising. Today, Diib helps over 150,000 business globally grow online with their SaaS offerings. Daniel’s interest include SMB analytics, big data, predictive analytics, enterprise and SMB search engine optimization (SEO), CRO optimization, social media advertising, A/B testing, programatic and geo-targeting, PPC, and e-commerce. He holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) focused in Finance and E-commerce from Cornell University – S.C. Johnson Graduate School of Management.


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