Canada, N/A - Canada and USA

Our team of experts and journalists covers everything you need to know before you buy. We produce stories, report news, and reviews on the latest consumer technology, appliances and services.

Main Services:

reviews, news, review, technology reviews, product reviews

We are a non-profit organization that is committed to our audience and not focused on profits. We generate operational revenue through strategic partnerships that support our cause, through dynamic web advertising and generous grants provided by our members. We generate revenue from these methods to further our organization for our members and not for the profit of shareholders.

We are owned and operated by CanGlobal Media (a non-profit Canadian corporation) that is dedicated to the protection and preservation of freedom of speech, furtherance of high-editorial and journalistic standards and above all creating trustworthy engaging content for everyone.

Regardless if you’re on your laptop, on your smartphone, at home or in the coffee shop – access up-to-date news and reviews. We enable all of our platforms to be available on anything, anywhere and always free.

We’re a non-profit so our focus is getting news and information to you – without politics and without profit.

We are proud to be a member of the Content Authenticity Initiative. This group collaborates with a wide set of representatives from software, publishing, and social media companies, human rights organizations, and academic researchers to develop content attribution standards and tools.

All of our content is our own and is based on our own independent research and testing.
We will never allow a partner or advertiser to have a say in what we publish but will correct content that is factually incorrect. In this situation, brands may only request corrections and are subject to the approval of our teams.
Brands and advertisers may receive an advance copy of any published material.
Photographs, video and other materials must and will always be of our own production – never brand-provided materials.
We do not endorse products or services, under any circumstance, for pay or equivalent compensation. Any endorsement we provide is done so at our own prerogative and discretion.
We will never agree to favourably present a product or service, nor present favourable comparisons at the request of any brand, advertisers or other entity.

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