
Norwey, Bergen

The highest quality Arabica beans are roasted to bold, ever-slave perfection.

Main Services:

Premiun coffee,nespresso coffee,coffee,origin coffee, colombian coffee,capsel of coffee,cortado coffee,special crops,limited edition coffee,sweey from Colombia, Nespresso ,Limited edition coffee , Special crops, Origin coffee , Colombian coffee , Capsel of coffee , Origin Coffee , Sweet from Colombia , Cortado coffee , Premiun coffee , Espresso coffee , Specialty Coffee


Good coffee means something different to everyone.
For us, it means finding and roasting friendly coffees that transform a daily coffee grind into moments we look forward to.
Let’s have a coffee and be friends!
JOHN BRAYAN stumbled upon the subject of coffee by chance. Arriving in Norway, he learned how to make good coffee. During a visit to a coffee shop, he noticed that he did not smell coffee, nor did he taste coffee. Later I visited several coffee shops and the smell and taste were the same. He decided to buy from an internet cafe to test and the result was disappointing for me. There are many online coffee shops in Norway, offering different types of coffee from many countries. In other words, in Norway you can find coffee everywhere, but you won’t find good coffee. That’s when the light bulb went on and I began to think about how to import black coffee from Colombia, because it has excellent quality coffee and is recognized worldwide as an exporter of high quality coffee. Find information on starting a business in Norway.

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