Equine Leg Magic

United States, Alachua

Equine Leg Magic™ is a granular mineral supplement plus vitamins formulated in specific ratios that can be added to the feed twice daily or added to water and given orally as a suspension.

Main Services:

Mineral supplement , Horse supplement , Horse health , Dog mineral supplement , Horse mineral supplement , Canine mineral supplement

Equine Leg Magic

All mineral ingredients in ELM are simple compounds that dissociate rapidly on ingestion. This feature makes ELM 100% bio-available to the tissue cells of muscle, tendons, bones, nerves, etc., and explains the wide range of predicaments that respond to the product. It should be noted that ELM does not replace free choice mineral sources.

Equine Leg Magic™ commonly known as Leg Magic or ELM is a granular mineral product. Granules range in size from that of a sugar granule to the size of a coarse ground coffee granule. ELM has a flat taste that is characteristic of mineral mixes.

ELM supports: Hoof growth, Hoof Health, Healthy joints, Straight leg growth in foals, Sweat production, Soundness, Increased flexibility, Healthy ligaments, healthy stifles, bone health, soft tissue, straight pasterns, overall equine health

Equine Leg Magic™ is very likely to become an integral part of your equine’s health. For that reason, we recommend that a regular or “maintenance” scoop become part of your regular supplement schedule.

Equine Leg Magic™ is 100% all-natural and free of prohibited substances.

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