
United Kingdom

CarVeto provides extensive vehicle history reports for private motorists in the UK.

Main Services:

United Kingdom


Car history checks
CarVeto provides extensive vehicle history reports for private motorists in the UK.
The database derives car data from a range of trusted resources, including the Driver Vehicle Licensing Agency, Police National Computer, Driver Vehicle Standards Agency, Experian Asset Register, Motor Insurance Anti Fraud and Theft Register and others.

When is CarVeto helpful to drivers?
Free car checks are available to UK drivers by entering a vehicle registration number through the CarVeto database. Reports are instant and provide pertinent information that may be useful when buying or selling a second-hand car.

For example, if a motorist is buying a used car, it is best to examine its entire history first. It allows a buyer to see if the car is on finance, been involved in a major accident leading to an insurance write off status, previously stolen or suffered mileage fraud.

Each criterion may impact vehicle safety, value and the legality of buying.
As almost 90% of new UK vehicles are bought on finance, a background check ensures an agreement is settled in full before the car has a new owner. It is illegal to sell a car with a finance agreement held, such as Personal Contract Purchase or Hire Purchase—CarVeto database alerts of such cases.

Differences between CarVeto and manual car checks
The CarVeto database provides all available online history for a car in an instant online report. Whilst drivers can source most of the data points manually; it is time-consuming. It is also impossible for a private car owner to run a manual car finance check as the information is governed by GDPR compliance.

The history of CarVeto
The service was founded by experienced automotive professionals who wanted to offer private motorists the same information as car dealers. Offering 30-years of direct used car experience, the CarVeto team do not affiliate or service the motor trade. Free and premium reports are designed specifically for private drivers at the point of buying or selling.

Additional used car information
CarVeto runs a popular blogroll that regularly updates with guides on how to buy, sell or maintain a used vehicle.

Detailed guides discuss:
Ministry of Transport (MOT) checks,
How to legally change car ownership and notifying all parties, including the DVLA,
Road tax and export guides,
Statutory Off-Road Notifications,
How to sell a car privately or to the trade,
Insurance write off definitions and detailed checklists for buying a genuine car and of good value.

Motorists can also take advantage of a physical car inspection service. A vetted, qualified mechanic can assess a vehicle before buying to ensure mechanical excellence and documentation checks. The service is helpful for motorists that may lack confidence when buying a worn vehicle. The service carries no guarantees of mechanical reliability; it offers an additional layer of insurance to buyers.

To access a car report, head to the website now and enter a UK vehicle registration number.

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