Your Growth Counseling

United States, Los Gatos

Welcome to my counseling practice. I’m Peter Cellarius, a licensed marriage and family therapist (#121347) with a mission to help you find fulfillment and joy in your life.

Main Services:

psychotherapy; counseling; couples counseling; marriage therapy; trauma therapy; anxiety counseling, grief counseling; relationship counseling; trauma healing; trauma therapy

Your Growth Counseling

If you’re struggling with trauma, anxiety, depression, relationship issues, or other challenges, I’m here to support you.

As a therapist, I work with individuals, couples, and families to navigate difficult emotions and find a path towards growth and healing. My training includes Somatic Experiencing, Emotionally Focused Therapy for Couples, EMDR, IFS, and ACT. I’ll work with you to find the approach that’s right for your needs. I focus especially on couples, and on working with trauma.

Before I became a therapist, I spent many years in high-tech executive roles. But I realized that money and success weren’t enough to make me happy. I felt a calling to help others overcome their pain and challenges, and that’s why I became a therapist.

If you’re ready to take the first step towards a more fulfilling life, I invite you to contact me for a free consultation. Let’s explore the possibilities and find the path that’s right for you.

If you’re seeking trauma therapy, it’s important to find a therapist who uses evidence-based practices to help you heal. Two powerful modalities for working with trauma are Internal Family Systems (IFS) and Somatic Experiencing (SE).

Internal Family Systems is a therapeutic approach that helps individuals identify and heal their inner “parts.” This method recognizes that we all have different parts of ourselves that can sometimes conflict with each other and create distress. These parts can be thought of as different aspects of our personality, such as the part of us that is anxious or the part of us that feels shame. By exploring these parts in a non-judgmental way, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and work towards healing the root causes of our trauma.

Somatic Experiencing is a body-centered approach to trauma therapy. This method recognizes that trauma is not just a psychological experience but also a physical one. Trauma can cause our bodies to hold onto stress and tension, which can lead to a wide range of physical and emotional symptoms. By helping individuals tune into their bodily sensations and experiences, SE can help release the physical tension and emotional pain that can accompany trauma. SE emphasizes the importance of safety and grounding in the therapeutic process, ensuring that individuals feel supported and empowered throughout their healing journey.

By combining these two powerful modalities, I can help you work through your trauma in a holistic and comprehensive way. In our sessions, we will explore your inner world and connect with your body to promote healing and growth. We will work together to identify the parts of yourself that need healing and use SE techniques to release tension and trauma held in your body. We will create a safe and supportive environment where you can begin to heal at your own pace.

I understand that trauma can be a difficult and sensitive topic to talk about, and I will approach our work together with sensitivity, compassion, and respect. My goal is to empower you to take control of your healing journey and to support you in creating the life that you want. If you’re ready to begin your healing journey, I’m here to support you every step of the way.

Couples therapy is an effective tool to heal and strengthen relationships. Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) is one approach that I find particularly helpful. EFT is a research-based approach that focuses on identifying and addressing emotional needs of both partners. It can help couples understand the underlying emotions that drive negative communication and behavior, leading to stronger and more secure bonds.

EFT believes that emotions drive our behavior and relationships. In EFT, we help couples identify and express emotions in a supportive environment. This helps build empathy and understanding for each other, which can lead to greater intimacy and connection.

EFT also focuses on attachment theory, which suggests that our early attachment experiences shape our behavior in adult relationships. EFT helps couples understand their attachment styles and how they impact their relationship dynamics. This can help them develop healthier attachment patterns.

Overall, I believe EFT is a powerful tool for couples therapy. It can help couples build stronger relationships that can withstand challenges. If you’re struggling in your relationship, I encourage you to consider EFT to find greater love, connection, and understanding with your partner.

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