Uno Vita AS & Klinikk for integrert medisin

Norwey, Oslo

Uno Vita AS is a Norwegian based company with our head office just outside the capitol Oslo in a town with the sea, Moss.

Main Services:

Sales and distribution of health-promoting techologies , Consultancy and training within the field of electromagnetism and health, Development of new health consepts , Development of frequency programs for Healy and TimeWaver devices, Distribution of larges supplment brands such as Life Extension and more, Running a clinic for integrative medicine (Klinikk for integrert medisin)

Uno Vita AS & Klinikk for integrert medisin

We are working in the field of health and wellness and have done so for 12 years. We are well established, have an excellent reputation and have several interesting partners and resellers. Our company were started to help sick people and to help start a new direction for medical treatments that fail for all chronic diseases in our traditional health system.

Our activities are split in three major areas.

1. Clinic. We run a clinic for integrative medicine and specialties specifically on electromedicine and related technologies. We do lectures and train others both earlier in seminars including Germany but this year more limited to webinars.

2. Sales of leading health product and electromedical devices. In our main web store ( you will see that we have about twenty-five main suppliers and over four hundred products. We are in the process of “stripping” this down and will keep only the absolute best and products that can be imported and sold in Norway (and some times to the neighbor countries like Sweden and Denmark, sometimes further way). Your products fit our concept perfectly (high quality products that work for people who what the best).

3. Consulting, training, lectures and co development

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