Trevor James, LLC

United States, Los Angeles

Trevor James, LLC has a mission to "ensure men's wellness through touch, connection, companionship and community".

Main Services:

Massage Therapy, Cuddle Therapy, Massage and Cuddle Therapy

Trevor James, LLC

Mens Bodywork by Trevor James offers a range of massage options for men by a male masseur. The other aspect of the business is Dr. Cuddles — offering a professional cuddle therapy service for men.

Trevor James is a Certified Touch and Cuddle Therapist using the alternative modalities of touch and cuddling to help men who are lonely, depressed, widowed or single, as well as men who’ve experienced trauma or have PTSD. Trevor brings these skills to his massage clients as well, since getting massages can be the only source of meaningful/intentional touch many men get.

Men tend to be significantly more touch deprived than women, particularly so in the US, which is a Low Touch country. Women get a lot more opportunities for touch and there is less stigma around female touch. My goal is to help as many men as possible have access to touch and connection.

Offerings include:
– Men’s Standard/2-hand massage
– Men’s Tandem/4-hand massage
– Men’s Tantric massage
– Men’s Massage & Cuddle combo

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