The Novelry

United States, New York

The world's favorite writing school with courses, coaching and community.

Main Services:

Writing courses, creative writing, publishing services, fiction writing courses, writer coaching, writers group, how to write a book, writing classes, writing workshops, become a published author, get a literary agent

The Novelry

Our creative writing courses have more five-star reviews from writers than any other. We offer the writing courses recommended by world-leading literary agencies and have published success stories. We offer the complete journey for writers from idea to book in a year. Create, write and finish you fiction book to publishing standard with one-on-one coaching from bestselling and award-winning published authors with online private sessions. Get expert advice from publishing editors formerly of the Big Five publishers like Penguin Random House.

Live the writing life! Based in the USA and the UK we offer over 40 live online writing classes every month with famous guest authors, literary agents and publishing professionals.

Our story-first method ensures you are writing a book literary agents, publishers and readers will love from the start. We will sign off your storyline before you start writing so you can use your time wisely and write with confidence.

Our unique and practical courses were created for busy people by an award-winning Booker-listed author, Louise Dean with a one-hour-a-day writing method.

Beginners are warmly welcome and we have taken complete beginner writers through to publishing deals.

The Novelry is the only writing school in the world with direct submission to world-class literary agencies, our partners, to fast-track writers to become published authors. No other writing course or writing school has this practical career outcome. We are like Fame Academy for writers. Join us and start a new chapter of your writing life today!

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