The Live Better Company
United States, Kingsport, TN
We are an online drop shipping store with crazy fast shipping times.

Main Services:
Online Shopping

Once upon a time, there was a little boy who desperately wanted a dog. The mom being the good mom she is agreed. They went to the shelter to find one and over in a corner was this little scrawny pup. After the mother asked how big it would get, being reassured it wouldn’t be over 35lbs, they took him home and named him Rascal. Mistake #1.
After being home for a few weeks and having gone through the deworming process Rascal began to grow, and grow, and grow. His paws were a glimpse into his future size at this point and it was alarming. At his one-year mark, he was topping out at 60 lbs and living up to his name.
Thinking he could be contained with an electric dog fence that you bury in the earth, the attempt to contain him didn’t work. Mistake #2. Didn’t even phase him. Solution: Dog Kennel inside the house.
Mistake #3. Not only did he get out of the chain link dog kennel, but he proceeded to destroy the basement area. Only when a chain link fence was installed in the backyard did that seem to alleviate some of his issues.
The digging starts. This dog ended up being a mix of black mouth cur and pitbull. Never aggressive unless you didn’t want to pet him, and a tongue like a giraffe, I’ve got the pictures of it on my face to prove it.
At this point, mom is wondering how to keep this dog in the backyard. Insert female dog, Gracie, a spitz mix of some sort. Seems he just wanted a buddy. From that day forward he was a model dog after Gracie decided she’d had enough of his advances and pinned him to the ground, all 30 lbs of her, teeth gnashing, and giving a bark I had never heard before. Rascal was topping 90 lbs., he’d never heard it before either and promptly tucked his tail and ran away!
These two are part of the reason why we decided to name our company Tiny Dog with a logo of Rascal in it. We sincerely hope to be a part of your journey through life and hope our store can make yours just a little bit better.
Kevin and Denise Jones