Tau Supreme

United States, Atlanta, GA

We design t-shirts and hoodies that celebrate the history and legacy of Freedmen’s towns in the United States.

Main Services:

t-shirts, hoodies, sweatshirts

Tau Supreme

Our mission is to honor the resilience and perseverance of the African American men and women who established these settlements after the Civil War. These towns were founded by formerly enslaved people who, despite facing tremendous obstacles, were determined to create their own communities and build a better future for themselves and their families.

Our t-shirts feature the names of Freedmen’s towns across the United States, from Albina, Oregon to Blackdom, New Mexico, Nicodemus, Kansas to Boley, Oklahoma, and hundreds more throughout the country. Each design represents a unique and powerful story of triumph over adversity, and we are proud to share these stories with the world.

We believe that clothing can be a powerful tool for education and advocacy. By wearing our t-shirts, you are showing your support for these communities and want to raise awareness about their important contributions to American history.

At Tau Supreme, we are committed to using our platform to promote social justice and equality. We donate a portion of our profits to organizations that support marginalized communities and work to create a more just and equitable society.

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