
United States, Pegram

I've been composting since I was a kid. My dad taught me the importance of recycling and reusing resources, and composting was a big part of that.

Main Services:

Bokashi Composting Supplies, Bokashi Bran


We had a compost pile in our backyard, and we would add all of our food scraps to it. It was a great way to reduce our waste and help the environment.

When I grew up and moved out on my own, I still wanted to compost, but I didn’t have the space for a compost pile in my apartment. That’s when I learned about bokashi composting.

Bokashi composting is a method of anaerobic fermentation that uses a special bran to convert food scraps into a nutrient-rich liquid fertilizer. It’s a great option for people who live in small spaces, and it’s also a lot easier than traditional composting.

I was so excited about bokashi composting that I decided to start a business selling bokashi buckets and bran. I called my business “SDM Bokashi,” and I started selling my products online and at local farmers markets.

Our small business has been growing steadily ever since. We sell bokashi buckets and bran to people all over the country. I also give local workshops on bokashi composting. I am also passionate about teaching people the importance of recycling and reusing resources.

I’m still passionate about composting today. I believe that it’s one of the easiest and most effective ways to reduce our impact on the environment. I’m grateful that I can share my love of composting with others through my business.

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