Save-Ideas Pty Ltd

Australia, Llanarth

Global user-friendly and free web platform for exchanging, saving/protecting, exposing, and realising ideas, artistic work

Main Services:

Intellectual property protection , Saving and globally exposing Creativity output , Utilising blockchain technology , Communicating and cooperating with like minded innovators , Realising most disruptive ideas and solutions , Providing investors with diversification by sharing equity in newly established startups , Becoming a depository of human creativity , Enabling inclusive global economy

Save-Ideas Pty Ltd

Everyone across the world has ideas about solving a problem, improving lives, increasing productivity, preventing damage, saving money etc. The problem is that it is currently very difficult to share them with others to get support while at the same time protecting them internationally.
We at Save Ideas have developed a global user-friendly and free web platform for exchanging, saving/protecting, exposing, and realising ideas, artistic work, solutions and/or any other forms of creative output
Save Ideas provides a free service for anyone – students, artists, designers, small businesses and the discerning innovators – who have created something or have an idea but don’t have the time or money to copyright their work or hunt for interested investors and customers.
By simply uploading your intellectual works to the Save Ideas website you will automatically and immediately receive a Time Stamp Certificate® which states the exact date and time your new idea was submitted. This can then be used to prove rightful ownership and protect your intellectual property globally.

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