RoofTop Recording Studios

United States, Miami, FL

RoofTop Recording Studios is a 5 star rated recording studio located on the rooftop of the Village Flea Market & Mall in Miami. this highly recognized recording studio offers an abundance of professional services such as... vocal recording, audio mixing and mastering, artists development and management, photoshoots, music videos shoots, and worldwide digital distribution, all under one roof.

Main Services:

RoofTop Recording Studios

The Sky’s the Limit
with RoofTop Recording Studios in Miami


In the ever evolving music industry, recording artists, producers, and videographers are always on the lookout for unique spaces to create and record their music and videos. Well look no further and enter RoofTop Recording Studios, a new trend that is taking the Miami Music Scene by storm. This innovative space offers an unparalleled experience that combines a breathtaking facility, along with state-of-the-art analog and digital recording technology.


RoofTop Recording Studios is a 5 Star rated studio which offers tangible benefits to recording artists and music professionals alike. The first is inspiration. The profound sound and energy of this studio’s environment can fuel creativity in ways that traditional studios simply cannot match. Johnny Jrama, who is the CEO and head audio engineer has over 25 years of experience in the field of sound, and is an expert at his craft.

Secondly, RoofTop Recording Studios provides an exclusive and private space within the concrete walls of their 3000 SqFt facility, which is located on the rooftop of the Village Flea Market and Mall in Miami. Away from the distractions of the ground level, artists, producers, sound engineers, and videographers alike, can really get the creative juices flowing and focus entirely on music and video productions.

Lastly, this highly recognized recording studio offers an abundance of professional services such as… vocal recording, audio mixing and mastering, artists development and management, photoshoots, music videos shoots, and worldwide digital distribution, all under one roof.


RoofTop Recording Studios represents an exciting new frontier in music production. They offer an inspiring environment that fosters creativity while providing all of the necessary amenities for high-quality productions.

So whether you’re a recording artist seeking a unique space to create your next masterpiece, or a producer or videographer looking to offer something different to your clients. Consider taking things up a notch… Literally… with Rooftop Recording Studios.


RoofTop Recording Studios is equipped with top-tier recording equipment, ensuring that the quality of sound they provide matches the quality of the music released by industry record labels and mainstream artists on a regular basis. They have 2 different recording studio rooms to choose from, each offering their own unique level of sound and equipment.


The SSL Room (Studio A)

Their spacious SSL Room was designed for serious artists who are looking for top notch productions.

SSL Room Features…
– Recording, Mixing, & Mastering
– Spacious 384 SqFt Room
– Studio One 6 Professional DAW
– Pro Tools Ultimate DAW
– SSL Audio Interface
– SSL Soundboard
– SSL, Waves, iZotope Plugins + more
– Rhodes NT2-A Large Condenser Mic
– Yamaha HS8 Monitors
– Genelec Loudspeakers
– Steven Slate Audio VSX Mixing System
– Newer Model Mac Studio Computer
– Specialized Honeycomb Ceilings

The Exposure Room (Studio B)

Their Intimate Exposure Room was designed for up and coming artists that record over 2-tracks that want to be heard.

Exposure Room Features…
– Recording & Mastering
– Intimate 120 SqFt Room
– Studio One 6 Professional DAW
– Presonus Audio Interface
– Waves Plugins
– Apex 460 Large Condenser Tube Mic
– Clarity HD Model One Monitors
– Mac Mini i7 Computer
– Specialized Honeycomb Ceilings


Industry insiders such as Alpoko Don (Dondada), Desloc Piccalo, Mike Smiff, and Mr. ‘”My Projects'” himself Coo Coo Cal have all collaborated on projects with RoofTop Recording Studios.

RoofTop Recording Studios also works closely with iHeart Radio and DJ Stichiz of 103.5 The Beat Miami, sponsoring the Teen Open Mic events held every 3rd Thursday of the month .They also have worked with contestants for TV Shows such as The Voice, and MTV.


(305) 697-5252




7900 NW 27th Ave
Suite R-6
Miami, FL 33147

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