Roberta Gene

United States, Kansas City

Roberta Gene is an online boutique based in Kansas City, Missouri.

Main Services:

candles, organic soap, bath bombs, shower steamers, beeswax wraps, swedish dishcloths, nonpaper towels, shampoo bars, conditioner bars, loofah sponge

Roberta Gene

We provide handmade home essentials that are non toxic and eco-friendly. What are home essentials? We believe they are the must haves for every home, kitchen and bathroom. All of our current products are made from small businesses across the USA. We have 100% soy wax candles, organic soap bars, shampoo and conditioner bars, nonpaper towels, swedish dishcloths and much more! We are always working on expanding our product lines.

Hi, I’m the owner/CEO of Roberta Gene, April Wendel. I have been passionate about using organic products and creating less waste for a very long time. I have wanted to start this company for over a decade. It is truly a dream come true. My goal is to become a one-stop shop for all home products eco-friendly and non toxic.

Roberta Gene is named after my grandparents, Roberta Irene and Denzil Gene. The logo is their signatures together. My grandparents were a crucial part of my upbringing. I can only strive to be as wonderful and loving as them. My grandma now rests in heavenly peace, and my grandpa (87) travels across the country with Missouri Baptist Disaster Relief. They are an inspiration.

At Roberta Gene, we focus on products that are compostable, and not harmful to our environment and health. We reuse everything we can, so sometimes our packaging might be ugly. We think it’s more than a favorable trade. We want to spread knowledge and awareness of the importance of purchasing non toxic and eco-friendly products. Did you know that in the US only 5% of plastic actually gets recycled? The majority of plastic ends up in landfills and can take up to 1000 years to biodegrade. However, it doesn’t really biodegrade, it just breaks up into smaller and smaller pieces of plastic (microplastics). We consume these microplastics every day, which are detrimental to our health. Toxins are also detrimental to our health. They cause health issues including allergies, hormone and respiratory problems, cancer and more. We were never told all of the products we consume daily are filled with harmful chemicals. Now we know better, so lets do better, so we can feel better!

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