Ranger Up Coffee Co
United States, Palmyra
Veteran owned and operated single origin coffee roaster and grinder located near Ft Campbell, KY home of the 101st Airborne Division.

Main Services:
United States, Coffee, Single Origin COffee, Coffee Roaster, Whole Bean Coffee, Blended Coffee, Veteran Owned

RANGER UP COFFEE CO – RangerUpCoffee.com
Veteran owned and operated single origin coffee roaster and grinder located near Ft Campbell, KY home of the 101st Airborne Division.
We specialize in single origin coffee from all over the world to include Organic Coffee from Africa, Indonesia and Central America.
I enlisted in the US Army in 1985 as a 11B (Infantryman). In 1988 I went to Airborne school and then in 1989 went to Ranger school (12-89). I was fortunate enough to attend many schools which include Combat Diver, Combat Dive Sup., Pathfinder, Air Assault, Airborne, Jumpmaster and HALO. I have been stationed at Ft Benning, GA, Ft Bragg, NC, Little Creek, VA, Eglin AFB, FL and Ft Campbell, KY. I retired in 2016 as a CSM, with over 68 months of combat deployments and 28 decorations. VA declared me 100% Permanent and Total disabled due to multiple combat wounds and wear and tear most likely due to over 200 parachute jumps.
After a pretty bad injury abroad I took up the bad habit of smoking, and I’m missing half a lung from injuries. I dabbled with vaping but felt it could never replace my addiction to cigarettes. In 2016 my wife decided to quit and took up vaping full time and has never touched a cigarette since. Not to be out done, I decided to quit also and like my wife has never looked back. A side effect of vaping is that I also quit dipping smokeless tobacco after nearly 40 years of dipping.
With that experience I decided to talk to Soldiers who are smoking and see if I could challenge them to quit by trading their pack of cigarettes for a free POD system. As of DEC 2020, 41 Soldiers have completely quit smoking and we have donated over 500 vape setups. when you purchase a coil from me most of the proceeds go towards purchasing PODs for these Soldiers so I thank you very much for your purchase and we hope to continue this worthy cause through coffee sales.
Due to over reaching government regulations we are being forced to close down our vape store and begin a new chapter. With a lot of help from fellow Rangers who are also in the coffee business, we are very proud of Ranger Up Coffee.
I take great pride in only selling the very best coffee