Proudlaw, LLC

United States, Farmington, NM

Remember when “Made in the USA” meant the best product you could buy?

Main Services:

Bankruptcy, DUI, DWI, Estate Planning, Personal Injury, Wrongful Death, License Restoration, Criminal Record Expungement, Litigation, Appeals

Proudlaw, LLC

Quality Legal Representation:

People stood behind their work, emphasized quality, and created something valuable. We take pride in our work. Quality makes a difference.

Our practice is designed for those in difficult situations. If creditors are after your wages; an auto-accident left you without a job; or your freedom is at risk, we can help.

Though the above provide some common areas of our practice, we are in fact a full service law firm which can handle a range of matters. Civil litigation, real-estate lawsuits, and breach of contract are a familiar area. We appeal cases for those who have tried their hand already and lost unfairly. In Arizona, we have a 100% appeal success rate, and are now taking appeals in New Mexico as well.

The firm founder, Jules Grandjean, started his career with personal injury cases others had labeled “unwinnable.” Instead, Jules successfully litigated nearly every one of them. Some of those “unwinnable” cases resulted in six-figure compensation for the injury victims who were shunned by other attorneys.

Jules grew up on a steady diet of criminal law. Jules first carried, then drafted briefs for his father’s criminal practice. He graduated with highest honors in Criminology, and the highest grade in criminal procedure at law school. His experience prosecuting cases allows his unique insight into their defense.

Bankruptcy was integrated into the practice to help the financially struggling obtain a fresh start. Often, this boost can be what’s needed to turn things around. In many areas of life, we can run the race better with another chance at the starting line.

Recently, New Mexico added a criminal expungement law to the books, and Arizona followed with a new law for sealing criminal records. These new laws allow people to start fresh when applying for jobs or passing a background check. Just like bankruptcy, everyone deserves a second chance.

Jules has also helped people restore their licenses to active status. Most are revoked following DUI, but New Mexico may invalidate licenses for things like unpaid child support or legal obligations. Often, a license is a necessity to one’s livelihood, and the ability to drive without criminal penalty a must for building a stress-free foundation.

Legal representation does not always have to be looking backward, and cleaning up the past, but can be moving forward to a brighter future as well. To implement this, Proudlaw has opened up Estate Planning to protect the futures of families and their children from litigation following incapacitation or death. Few people understand that without an estate plan, their assets can be divided as the government decides, children can be house with who the government chooses, and people they would otherwise want involved in their children’s lives can be excluded based on random criteria. In short, where there would otherwise be a mess, there can be a clear directive for the family during an emergency.

People are not just “cases,” or objects sitting in a caseload to be managed. The most common client complaint about lawyers today is a lack of communication about their matter. They see a lawyer once -if that- to sign up and then never hear from them again. Instead, receptionists and legal assistants field and screen calls, and provide generic information about a matter.

Proudlaw is different. We’ve included technology in our firm that allows our client access to us 24/7. There is a running chat portal available -which is attended to by their lawyer- so communication can occur despite busy schedules of both parties. And if you ever want to meet with your attorney and talk, we’re just a phone call away.

Our mission is to resolve difficult cases by doing better work. Our vision is a practice and community where no one is turned away. Together we can face the challenges that seem “unwinnable.” If you’re looking for a helping hand in a difficult situation, welcome to Proudlaw.

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