Pro Ledger Online

Canada, Winnipeg

Hi, I”m Steve. I’m from Winnipeg, Canada, and I am the founder of Moneyledgers / Pro-Ledgers & Pro-Ledgers Online.

Main Services:

Bookkeeping Software

Pro Ledger Online

I started this business because I have a strong passion to provide a simplified & inexpensive bookkeeping solution for those with simple business models that like to do their own bookkeeping.

After teaching accounting and computerized accounting at several business colleges, I decided to work as a Realtor. I soon discovered that bookkeeping software being offered was too complex for the simple needs of a Real Estate Agent. So having also taught Microsoft Excel at these same colleges, I decided to build my own bookkeeping spreadsheet for my own use. It wasn’t long before other agents in my office started using my spreadsheets and soon after Moneyledgers was born in 2011.

Soon after launching Moneyledgers, I was getting emails from other industries who were facing the same challenge I was as a Realtor, in that they were wanting something simple for their simple bookkeeping needs. As a result I started to develop bookkeeping spreadsheets for owner-operator Truckers, Landlords, and a variety of Freelancers and Small Business Professionals.

A few years after launching Moneyledgers, it was clear that there was a need for a more dynamic desktop software program that could allow for a more dynamic user environment along with apps for smartphones and tablets. As a result, was launched in 2014.

About 8 years after was launched there was clearly a need developing for a “Cloud Based” bookkeeping system. Cloud based bookkeeping has many advantages and yet is both powerful and secure. As a result Pro-Ledger Online was launched in 2022.

Currently, I continue to offer and support all 3 bookkeeping solutions with the focus on simple bookkeeping solutions for simple bookkeeping needs.

I consider myself a “boutique” bookkeeping software company providing a niche product for a very specific need in the marketplace. My goal is not to compete with the larger more complex accounting software solution providers like Quickbooks or Freshbooks, but rather a more personalized and simpler solution.

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