Primary Self

Australia, Adelaide

Have you been on the search for love?

Main Services:

Life Coaching, PSYCH-K, Reiki, Life Coach

Primary Self

Looking for that perfect partner?

Since you are here I assume so.
Your time is valuable, so I’ll cut to the chase.
There’s just one thing to do. And it’s this

Stop looking for the ONE,
That’s right, stop looking for the ONE!
You need to become the ONE!

Finding that perfect partner isn’t about them, it’s all about you. It starts with you. This means you need to make the change.

How so? you ask.
Well it’s all very simple.
Chances are you are seeking a partner because subconsciously you seek validation, or because you are lonely.
But these are poor reasons.
Why? because this makes you desperate. you will choose someone because they fill your lack, not because they are the right person.

Once the honeymoon period is over, the cracks will appear, and the wheels come off.
You will either split, or continue to hang onto a bad experience, as at least you are not alone right?
Well, yeah you are not alone, but there is a high probability you will be lonely.

if you split, you go back and start the cycle again. If you stay together, you will experience the same negatives that you have had in all your relationships. And seriously who wants that.

What’s the alternative?
If you choose to become the ONE, you achieve self love, you do not rely on others to validate you. You are already complete.
As a result, you will not feel the need to settle for anyone that gives you attention.

You will no longer NEED someone. You may want someone. But you do not NEED it.
This creates safety. Why? because if you are OK by yourself, you will never fear being single.
This empowers you inside a relationship as you will not fear loss. If the relationship does not work, you can simply end it. And you will not jeopardize a relationship by behaving protective or irrational.
You will never sabotage a relationship again.

I specialise in helping recently divorced men and women in their 40s who feel like the best years are gone, to help them radically transform their negative thinking and stress into a state of confidence and self empowerment, so they can make the next chapter of your life the best one yet.
Divorce is quite possibly the toughest experience we will have during our lifetimes.
The effects include, loss of identity, stress, impacted children, career stress, moving house, division of assets, family fragmentation, anger, disappointment, fear and regret.
I am sure you get the picture, and I know you could add many more emotions and side effects.
This is a terribly unsettling time. What now? You wonder. It can leave you lonely, stuck and confused.
I understand exactly where you are coming from, and I can assist you

My name is Richie and I am a Life and Relationship Coach, Reiki Master, Seichim Master, PSYCH-K® facilitator and Energy Coach.
I apply my life coaching techniques to support those that are between relationships to recover from the last relationship. Get a good grounding where they are now, and support them to move forward and find love again.

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