Power Marketing

United States, Nashville

Power Marketing has been in the marketing business for more than 30 years.

Main Services:

digital marketing, website hosting, social media, website design, website development, custom websites, SEO, local SEO, email marketing, CRMs

Power Marketing

Our focus has been to provide effective and innovative marketing for home builders and home builder-related industries. Our founder, grew up in the home building industry and decided to take this knowledge and his marketing expertise to fill the marketing void for the home builder industry in 1992. His philosophy:

Act with Integrity
Be Innovative
Good Customer Service is Proactive
We Share in Our Client’s Success

Power Marketing offers clients a full palette of professional marketing services, as well as the experience and insight of an established marketing and design team. From Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to web design to branding and identity design, our quality comes from our multi-talented team that includes programmers, graphic designers, strategists, writers, and published marketing experts. 

With the exponential growth of technology, the marketing process has dramatically changed since we opened our doors in 1992. Our practice is to stay educated and ahead of the curve when it comes to new media to implement our knowledge in our clients’ marketing strategies. We believe the new marketing process is a synthesis of traditional marketing expertise and progressive digital techniques. We understand that the same methods that work for one company may fail for another. Through our innovation and creativity, we can magnify our client’s success with innovative and flexible practices. 

Power Marketing has always been committed to the highest possible level of customer satisfaction since our inception. Because of our dedication to our clients, our first customer in 1992 is still an active client today, and our customers have stayed loyal to our company through the years. We strive to make every customer delighted with our services and have a long list of happy customers in more than 25 states.

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