Next Wave Marketing

United States, Denver, CO

Over the last 20+ years as seemingly perpetual business owners and operators for every conceivable marketing venue and organization, Sonny and Manny have been on the front lines of many very well known names.

Main Services:

Direct Marketing, Client Acquisition, Digital Marketing, Consulting, Effort Based Results, On-Demand Marketing

Next Wave Marketing

Whether it be direct marketing, door-to-door, b2b, b2c or even network marketing, they have been deep in the trenches with a unique ability to capture a marketshare in both product or service based industries. Becoming users or products of the products have allowed them to be passionate about the market and what they are promoting.

However, where they’ve also excelled is the innate ability to demonstrate the viability of each of their respective opportunities to others and being able to share that fire has led to enormous followings from recruiting targeted at entrepreneurs and business builders alike. Igniting others to capture and share in that buzz has led to exponential growth and the expansion into other markets, cities and diverse audiences, each bringing about a continued following.

In a day and age where you can’t throw a rock without hitting a Marketing Agency, along with the idea of continued business ownership and being able to have a larger share of the pie was what transcended into the vision and purpose of Next Wave Marketing.

The landscape of business is one that requires consistency and dedication, but all too often, the average individual will reject what feels foreign or uncomfortable.

Actually, the concept and model of the logo and company name was loosely based on the opening lyrics of a less-then-popular U2 song call Every Breaking Wave, which simply states that every breaking wave is sure to lead to another.

Sonny and Manny have the ability to view projects as bigger pictures and take a minimal approach to building a direct marketing campaigns without overthinking the process. Quick to engage and bring about instant results based off of efffort has others shaking their heads to figure out the recipe.

The greater good of marketing and the power of driving engagement and success go hand-in-hand and Next Wave Marketing brings a level of distinction and clout to an otherwise heavily hammered market.

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