News links

United Kingdom, Manchester

Our website is a breaking news site that started during the COVID pandemic in 2021.

Main Services:

News links

Our website has grown since then with return traffic from social media and organic web traffic. aims to bring you news from the mainstream as well as the unheard of. Anything we deem interesting we will post, whether it be news articles or live stream videos.

All our news stories have links to present the source of the story to the reader. We feel this is extremely important to gain trust from our readers and it is our number one priority. 

Our long-term aims for the website are growth through content and building up internal subscribers to our news site so we can go direct to readers when new news is published. 

Our main topic of news is politics from around the world. We chose this genre because politics affects us all and it is interesting. We are living in interesting times and we want to bring that feeling to our website.

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"We love the simplicity of the dashboard and the help and tips that the website gives."

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