New World of Cigars Ltd
United Kingdom, Chelmsford
New World of Cigars Ltd is the UK's leading supplier of new world cigars, sometimes referred to as non Cuban cigars.
Main Services:
Cigars, New World Cigars, Cigar Lighters, Cigar Cutters, Boveda Humidification, Cigar Ashtrays, Cheap Cigars
As well as one of the largest most competitively priced ranges of cigars in the UK we also stock a huge range of cigar smoking accessories from many of the world’s leading brands including Xikar, S.T. Dupont and Boveda.
New World of Cigars believes in better. We believe you deserve better! A better choice of new world cigars, better prices on cigars and better opportunities for those in some of the poorest countries in the world who make our cigars.
New World of Cigars firm believer in cigar smokers a choice. If you want to go to a cigar lounge, be waited on and have lengthy conversations with the staff on cigars, it’s perfectly reasonable to pay a premium price for the experience.
If however you know the cigars you want and you want them to just magically appear at your house, you should be able to buy them at a fairer price. It’s no different to buying a TV from John Lewis or Amazon. We’re not trying to reinvent the world here, just give you an ever increasing choice of new world cigars at better prices!
Thanks to you, our customers, we’re starting to change things. Nearly 3 years old, we’ve processed thousands of orders and have hundreds of returning customers and are now an established player in the UK cigar market.
All our international brand cigars are sourced from the official UK importers before being stored in our warehouse which maintains a steady temperature of 20c all year in humidors which we maintain at 67% humidity. The conditions we believe are perfect for cigars.