Moss Life Interiors
United Kingdom, London
Moss Life Interiors was born in 2020 during the covid 19 pandemic.

Main Services:
Biophilic Interior Designs, Moss Wall, Moss Frame, Moss Wall Art, Reindeer Moss, Moss Frames, Moss Walls, Preserved Moss,Interior Landscaping, Environmental Friendly Products

Its owners were determined to create biophilic interior designs using preserved moss walls, moss frames, and other types of moss wall art.
A popular type of moss is reindeer moss. The correct name for reindeer moss is ‘Lichen’. It adopted the name ‘reindeer moss’ as reindeer graze on it.
However there is an overpopulation of lichen in Finland, so under strict government guidance, certain farmers have a license to farm it making sure there is an abundance of lichen to be grazed on for the reindeer.
Eco-friendly farming provides an income for remote villages in Finland.
Reindeer Moss’s natural properties include:
Improves internal air quality, so acts as air purification.
Anti Allergic
Acoustic solution – reduces internal noise pollution
Absorbs water from the atmosphere, so no watering is required!
Improves work productivity and helps people who suffer from mental health (biophilia – love of nature – calming spaces to live and work in)
We work with interior designers, architects, and residential clients for their moss wall, moss frame, and moss wall art needs. We also have an online shop where you can purchase moss frames and other types of moss wall art.
Enter the world of Moss Life Interiors and reconnect with natural interior design products.