MIG-ráció Kft

Hungary, Budapest

MIG-ráció Kft is a Hungarian company located in Budapest. We are managing web pages.

Main Services:

News - Information about names, News

MIG-ráció Kft

Our two main webpage are the Névnaptár (NamedayStore) and Videolista (List of Videos).

Névnaptár is dealing with the Hungalian name days and the World Days from all countries. We give information about the namedays, the origin of the names and all interesting thinks related to namedays. We show also the dates and origins of the World Days. Our goal is show the Hungarian population what kind of Word Day existing in other countries, of course we also focusing to the Hungarian National Days.

Videolista is an online Newspaper, providing Video content together with News in Hungarian language. We focus on the young generation, who are really gather information from videos. On our platform you can find the news in 13 categories, like sports, politics, economics, travel, funny, celebrities, science.

Diib Reviews by our featured members:

"This is an great and helpfull nanalytic tool to develop our webpages."

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