Manifest New Business Ltd

United Kingdom, London

Manifest was set up in 1992 by Adam Whittaker who was previously a new business director of a branding agency and prior to that a below the line agency. We work exclusively with creative, media, PR, digital and similar types of marketing agencies, acting as an outsourced new business lead generation team.

Main Services:

new business lead generation, new business consultancy, business development services

Manifest New Business Ltd

At Manifest we believe that if you are targeting a sophisticated buying committee within enterprise level businesses or their smaller challengers in growth stage, then your strategy should be about hyper-personalisation.
And the most personal means of approach, the way to respond immediately to questions raised and break down resistance, is to talk to the decision maker; to call them on their mobile phone and have a one-to-one conversation.

The conversations we have are informed and relevant and can be adapted to take into consideration Bombora intent data which tells us the subjects on which the company we are approaching has been consuming online content.

Sure, of course we use email and have content we can use when appropriate. But our preferred methodology is to start with a call and then resort to email when necessary.

It takes guile, persistence and charm. Which is why our team of Business Developers are all ex-agency pros who can talk the talk and walk the walk.

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