
Canada, Montreal

When you're pregnant, eventually, your jackets won't zip up. MakeMyBellyFit designed a jacket extender that works universally with any zip and allows your jackets to expand.

Main Services:

Universal Jacket Extender for Maternity and Babywearing, Cover for baby-carriers, Skis for strollers, Grippy wheel covers for strollers


Our customers can continue wearing comfortable jackets as their bellies grow without borrowing or investing in a brand-new jacket. It also allows you to share your coat with your baby while babywearing.

“It all started with the expanding bump that was our first child, one cold winter in Montreal in 2010. Believe me when I say it if you’ve never been to Montreal in winter. It Gets Cold.

My lovely wife was growing bigger by the day and soon stole my oversized puffy jacket every time we ventured out. I’d just about accepted that I’d lost my favourite jacket for the winter…yeah, I know, selfish, haha. Honestly, it was the least I could do, as I’d already witnessed her challenge of not fitting into any of her regular pants by that point. It was so frustrating for her.

And then a light bulb went on: something out there must zip into her jacket to expand it! It seemed simple enough, though a quick online search gave nothing. Holy-moley zips are complicated. They’re all different. It took a stroke of luck to figure out how to make a universal extender that worked with all of them.”

– Ben, Founder of MakeMyBellyFit, husband and Dad of Four.

MakeMyBellyFit officially launched in 2012 with a simple zip-in extender and multiple zip-specific adapters. The concept was completely new, though it was met with open arms and “open jackets”. It steadily grew online and into retail stores across Canada as it became clear there was a demand to keep using existing jackets over borrowing or purchasing new ones during maternity. In 2015, MakeMyBellyFit faced the fire on CBC’s Dragons’ Den, coming away with a deal with Manjit Minhas, one of the leading businesswomen in Canada.

Pregnancy should be a time of joyful anticipation, not stressful change. Thanks to our Universal Extenders, imagine continuing to wear your beloved jackets and coats as your belly grows. Now compatible with nearly any zipper, they seamlessly adapt your outerwear, ensuring style and comfort. It’s one less thing to worry about while growing your family. What’s more, you can then share your jackets with your newborn for close comfort and warmth, as this makes an excellent way to get outdoors and keep your baby protected while babywearing.

Since 2012, MakeMyBellyFit has remained committed to manufacturing all its own products locally in Canada from high-quality materials. The designs are also continually improved to ensure they stay the best ever. While our journey with our customers starts with a growing bump, it now goes beyond jacket extenders. MakeMyBellyFit also offers unique products for babywearing and stroller wheels that help you get outdoors with your baby. PremierSki stroller skis attach to your wheels and convert your stroller into a sled. The skis make snowy escapades a glide. Grippy wheel covers transform your existing stroller wheels into winter wheels. Grippy make turning easier and offer safer mobility on slippy and loose surfaces. Stay in control this winter.

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