Little House of Macrame

Canada, Edmonton

Little House of Macrame is a heartwarming story that began during the challenging days of the pandemic.

Main Services:

100% Cotton, Linen, Hemp, Silk, Banana macrame cords and tapestry fibres, velvet, jeans and sari silk ribbons, DIY kits and workshops

Little House of Macrame

I, Barbara Rahal, discovered the therapeutic magic of macrame, using it as a creative outlet to alleviate stress and anxiety. As I delved deeper into this ancient art form, I faced a common hurdle – the struggle to find quality macrame supplies locally. I explored various sources, including online marketplaces like Amazon, but always found myself returning to Ontario and BC-based businesses for the best materials.

Driven by a desire to make premium macrame and fiber arts supplies more accessible in Alberta, I embarked on a mission to create the first-ever macrame and fiber arts-exclusive supply shop in the region. In 2020, Little House of Macrame was born, marking a new chapter in my journey.

What sets Little House of Macrame apart is my unwavering commitment to sustainability. As the business expanded, so did its values. Today, I source our supplies from small family businesses overseas, that share my dedication to preserving the environment. These suppliers transform production waste from factories and used cotton textiles into the high-quality cords we offer, all while adhering to eco-conscious practices. Our cords are produced without water or toxic chemicals, and I work tirelessly to minimize energy consumption and reduce CO2 emissions, reflecting my passion for a cleaner, greener world.

Even our packaging echoes our eco-friendly ethos. Our cords are thoughtfully wound onto biodegradable paper spools, reducing waste and contributing to a sustainable future. Quality remains paramount at Little House of Macrame, as evidenced by our cords, which come with Eco-Tex 100 certificates, assuring our customers that they are choosing the best and most responsible product on the market.

Though I primarily operate online, Little House of Macrame is a community-centered business. I proudly offer workshops and kits, partnering with esteemed institutions like Fern School of Crafts and Gather Textiles to provide hands-on learning experiences for aspiring fiber artists. These workshops foster camaraderie among participants, reinforcing the belief that creativity knows no boundaries.

Moreover, Little House of Macrame understands the importance of giving back. I am not just a business; I am a force for positive change. To support causes close to my heart, I contribute to nonprofit organizations such as Charity Water, 1 for the Planet, and various cruelty-free animal shelters. It’s my way of making a difference in the world beyond the realm of fiber arts.

In essence, Little House of Macrame is a beacon of creativity, sustainability, and community, run by one dedicated individual, myself, Barbara Rahal. It’s a tribute to my journey, from finding solace in macrame during a time of uncertainty to creating a thriving business that uplifts artists and the environment. I invite you to join my global community of fiber enthusiasts and become a part of my story—a story of passion, resilience, and a deep love for the planet. Together, we’re weaving a brighter, more sustainable future, one knot at a time.

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