Limpinwood Gardens Nursery

Australia, Limpinwood

We have been established as an Australian Native Plant Nursery since 1973, during this time we have been responsible for the introduction of many selections and hybrids.

Main Services:

plants, tubestocks, groundcovers, grevilleas, banksias, rainforest, mugs, coasters, lilly pilly's, native plants

Limpinwood Gardens Nursery

We grow a large range of Australian Native Plants. Rainforest Plants, Bushfood Plants, Groundcovers, Creepers, Grevilleas, trees, shrubs, banksias, hakeas, syzygiums.
We work with Rare and Endangered Plants and to date have saved several dozen species from extinction. Our range of plants are strong and healthy true to name with many bird and bee attracting plants.
We also design a range of Australian Wildflower and Wildlife products that you can purchase on our website. They are all designed and printed at Limpinwood by Sharon. These include, mugs, coasters, cutting boards, trivets, glass cleaning cloths, glass cutting boards and many more.
We propagate all our own plants from our extensive Australian Plant Botanic Gardens at Limpinwood in NE. NSW Australia. Flat rate shipping on all orders. Be assured that you can purchase your plants on line and receive healthy, happy plants that are well packaged for shipping.

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