KyRas Practice

Australia, Esk

Something extraordinary happening on our planet, we are Crystallinning.

Main Services:

crystals, Healing, Medium, Lemurian Seed Quartz, Moldavite, Star Seed Awakening , Ascension tools, Spirit Readings , Guides, Astral Connection

KyRas Practice

From carbon to crystal, from Ego, to Spirit and from the Self to Collective Unity.

The Great Awakening, Consciousness becoming conscious of itself.

I specialise in Crystalline healing and my crystals are second to none, perfect for the practitioner, for Sacred Spaces, the Star Seed and for the lover of Crystals.

I cover most aspects and tools of ascension. If there is anything I do not stock, please do not hesitate to ask….I love a treasure hunt.


KyRa x

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