Kringle Brothers

United States

Forget everything you know about Santa Claus and Christmas. The month of December is about to get a whole lot better.

Main Services:

Children's Books, Young Adult Books, Santa's Email, Santa Secrets, Questions for Santa, History of Christmas, Santa Movie, Kris Kringle, Chris Kringle, Santa's Family

Kringle Brothers

This is a story about two brothers. One black. One white. The younger brother grows up to be a man of significant importance. His name is Christopher Kringle, better known as Santa Claus. His older brother Wally (his real name is William Lee Williams) gets adopted by the Kringle family in the early 1900s. The best way to describe Wally is he’s the GREATEST BIG BROTHER in history. He’s the reason his younger brother does wonderful things, yet his own ancestry is a complete mystery.

This Christmas adventure started out as a bedtime story 25 years ago. When my children were little, they had questions. I had legitimate answers. The goal was to teach my kids how to be GOOD PEOPLE in all aspects of life. Every year, the Kringle brothers and I would meet in private. They disclosed their secrets so I could relay them to my family. That’s how this story, website, book series, and business got started. Real history. Real people. Real topics. Less fairy tale, more fact. Future generations of children will be influenced positively.

Children around the world can now email Santa their “Christmas Wish Lists” and ask him questions. Just like my children did two decades ago. Every question about this mysterious man (and his life) is now answered in story form.

There will be FOUR “Dr. Suess-like” picture books for 4th grade and below.
“How I Became Santa Clause,” by Chris Kringle.
“How I Became Santa’s Big Brother,” by Wallace Kringle.
“How I Became Mrs. Claus,” by Norene Williams.
“How I Became Santa’s Favorite Elf,” by Bano.

In addition to the above, there are 10-YA HARRY POTTER-style books ready to be released. Easy reading for 5th grade and above, approximately 300 pages each. Also included is secret pictures at the end of each chapter. Several topics will be taught/discussed, with the end goal of Chris Kringle still existing. Did the bad guys kill Santa? And if so, how is he still alive?

There are also a couple of movies in the mix. But as large as this adventure is, it may play out better in an HBO TV-SERIES similar to GAME OF THRONES (a PG/PG-13 version of GOT. No sex or bad words for the younger audience).

The Kringle Brothers is a unique adventure unlike anything else. Weaving famous historical characters with known fictitious ones is what makes it special. It’s like a combination of INDIANA JONES and FORREST GUMP, splashed with a dash of HOME ALONE, topped off with a PG version of THE GODFATHER. Kid-friendly yet adult storylines. Several historical truths will now be explained. Everything around the belly of the earth is real, but once we get to the North Pole—the gloves come off. Filled with unbelievable twists, ones we all comprehend but never tied together. Oddly we’ll finally figure out who shot JFK. Oliver Stone was close, but he never gave us any specific answer.

Historical secrets will be woven throughout the journey. There is no religion or politics. Just Chris and Wally figuring things out on their own. There is a chance we are NOT the first advanced species to inhabit this planet. Maybe the PYRAMIDS on the GIZA PLATEAU will help solve this mystery, or possibly the ELVES who have lived at the North Pole since the birth of our solar system.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Chris Kringle doesn’t become Santa Claus until after World War II. Remember that statement and all the clues. When you finally gather the evidence why Santa wears the red suit, I promise you—it will all come together MAGICALLY as if you’ve known it all along. Santa’s red suit and delivering presents around the world have always been a mystery. This problem is now solved and explained thoroughly. Future generations of children will become better people after this story is made public.

The Kringle Brothers’ life mission is to create equality, rid the world of hate, and eventually establish world peace. Wouldn’t that be nice?

However, what’s happened to other like-minded peaceful individuals? Think about it for a second. Take, for example, Jesus Christ, Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., JFK, or even John Lennon. Do you know what happens to “peaceful” people?

They’ve all been killed for one reason or another. Hmm? Interesting?

The Santa Claus paradigm has been in front of us all along. Peaceful people get murdered, and Wally knows why. This is why Santa’s older brother moves him to the North Pole—to escape the bad guys. Wally advises Chris (in 1957, after Santa’s wedding) to hide there for two reasons. One for safety. Two, so Christopher can live longer.

QUESTION: Why do we put fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator? ANSWER–they last longer. By putting foods in a cold environment, it’s a known fact they last 2-3 times longer. This is why Satna moves to the North Pole. Wally understands his brothers’ importance to society and believes Chris can live 200-300 years. It’s another clue in the larger portion of the story.

IT’S A FACT: Kids want to know more about Santa. Problem is, we’ve filled their heads with topics that don’t make sense. In this story, there will be no “bottomless bag of presents” or situations we can’t prove. Less fantasy and more truth. Children may not understand adult topics, but they will learn over time. My kids didn’t comprehend the equation E = MC2, but now they do. And wait until you find out how Albert Einstein works his way into the story.

THE CARROT: Kids want to know more about Santa. Now let’s teach them HOW and WHY it’s important to be NICE year round. Maybe this will help our youth with some of the problems in schools.

While we have children’s attention, let’s educate their minds with something worthwhile. Parents are busy. Most families rely on dual income. The educational system is failing. Kids don’t read as much anymore. That’s why these books (and this story) began.

THE GOAL: The goal of this story is to improve the minds of our youth before they become adults.

Santa is a hero to children and a teacher to adults. Both Chris and Wally cannot wait for you to learn more about them, their lives, and their wives. The 1029 Elves can’t wait to meet you either.

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