

Konnekt is an Australian business, established 2013, that sells worldwide.

Main Services:

Konnekt Captioning Videophone, Konnekt Videophone, Remote-alert accessories, Headphones for hearing loss


80-90% of our orders are from within Australia, so we’d prefer you to bias your content towards Australia, or else make it country-neutral. ***

Konnekt develops and sells 2 products worldwide including Australia, US, Canada, UK, EU and New Zealand: The Konnekt Videophone, and the Konnekt Captioning Videophone.

The Konnekt Videophone is the world’s easiest appliance for video calling. It is designed for elderly people who are not good with technology, as well as people who have difficulty learning technology, age-related memory loss, or cognitive, vision, dexterity or mobility needs.

– One-touch video calling. No computer skills required.
– 15-inch touchscreen; LARGE buttons up to 6 in / 15 cm wide; Text up to 3 in / 7 cm tall.
– Loud, clear sound
– Reduces worry: Sons, daughters and carers can check-in visually
– Safety: Call for help with one touch; auto-answer option
– Reduce social isolation: Personalized buttons for kids, grandkids, friends
– Medical: One-touch phone calls to health professionals
Available with government funding for disability or aged care.

The Konnekt Captioning Videophone www.konnekt.com.au/captioning-video-phone is the best phone for people of all ages who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. It’s designed for those who need either extra volume, live captions to read what the other person is saying, or the ability to read lips and facial expressions.

Captioning Videophone is free or subsidized for eligible people in Australia. Konnekt’s sales and support partners in North America, Europe, United Kingdom and New Zealand can also assist with advice about government subsidies, or offer self-funded rental or purchase of fully refurbished Videophones.

– Incredibly easy to use
– Captioned phone calls, and captioned video calls for reading lips/faces
– Speech-to-text is fast, accurate, private, and starts automatically
– Available in over 40 languages
– Optional auto-answer for trusted family
– Recommended by Audiologists

Konnekt has a partnership with Telstra and the Australian government as the provider of choice of captioning phones. Overseas, Konnekt has a business relationship with Microsoft, the world-leading developer of A.I. transcription and translation technology.

Konnekt contributed to the world’s first Tele-Audiology Guidelines, used by Audiologists to guide telehealth sessions for people who require captions or lip reading.

The Konnekt Videophone and Captioning Videophone are fully customized and personalized to your needs. Konnekt includes on-going support, including additions and changes, to ensure that your Videophone grows with your needs.

Konnekt offers options and accessories for hearing, vision, dexterity, mobility and cognitive needs — including a wireless access button, a range of remote-alert receivers, mounting brackets, and a raft of features to aid remote troubleshooting.

The Konnekt Videophone helped to save a life, thanks to its unique optional Auto-Answer capability: Only trusted callers, that you nominate, are answered automatically, with 2-way vision and sound. Automatic answer can assist with medication and hydration compliance, and increases safety in the home.

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