United States, Kongsberg

Kongsberg Target Systems (KTS) was established in 1994 by people sharing a passion for shooting, and experts in software and electronics.

Main Services:

Electronic shooting targets, Live fire solutions, Marksmanship training, Tactical fire training systems, Shooting range targets, Shooting range systems, targets, Wireless solutions, range services, Shooting instructor services


Our company has since then been developing, producing, and selling electronic targets.
More than 15,000 targets have been delivered to more than 35 nations around the world. There are KTS targets in cold arctic areas, wet coastal regions as well as the inhospitable Australian desert. We have targets for rough military use, for sports and for hunters – at shooting ranges extending from 10 to 2 000meters.
KTS has a large base of civilian shooting clubs as customers; however, efficient training has become more and more important with the defense forces and the number of military customers are increasing. KTS has since its first defense customer in 2001 delivered to several defense forces in Europe, to the USA and Oceania. Electronic Target Systems have proven an efficient way to increase the throughput of soldiers in training and at the same time improve shooter skills.
The modularity and wireless capability of the system enables it to be used for different purposes to increase training efficiency. The same system can be used as both regular gallery targets with soldiers on a line and in a more dynamic setting with targets placed in the terrain at different distances.
The largest gallery target range KTS has delivered is to the Civilian Marksmanship Program (US) comprising 150 targets, situated at Camp Perry, Ohio.

KTS has teamed up with W5 Solutions to become a complete provider of targets to military shooting ranges. We
can deliver our own Boxed targets, Pop-up targets, moving targets and LOMAH targets as part of the same system
delivery. Making it easier for customers to acquire, operate and maintain all targets on a range with one supplier,
one system and one maintenance organization.

Regardless of the shooting discipline it is necessary to know where you hit the target. Traditionally a paper target
or some form of a self-indicator target is used. With an electronic target system, shot placement and score is
automatically calculated using electronics, subsequently presenting this to the shooter and/or spectators.
Kongsberg Target Systems (“KTS”) delivers solutions with both optical and acoustic detection. KTS has solutions
for “all” calibers from air rifles to .50 caliber heavy machine guns; and can be used from 10 meters to several
Our solution dramatically increases shooting range capacity and enables competitions with displays for each shooter, immediate distribution of results on large screens at the arena and via the internet in real-time.
The Kongsberg eScore is the latest electronic target system developed by Kongsberg Target Systems. Decades of experience with shooting, technology, electronics, projectile detection, and system development know-how are summed up and focused on making the best scoring system in the world.

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