
India, Bangalore

We founded kefirwala in 2016 because there was a serious shortage of knowledge among kefir sellers in India.

Main Services:

Milk kefir grains, water kefir grains, coconut water kefir grains, milk kefir drinks, water kefir drink, coconut water kefir drink, beet kvaas


Most of them were selling it like a commodity, making no difference between kefir and a piece of fruit. Our first-hand experience when buying kefir from other sellers made us realise the potential of this market. And So we started Kefirwala, with the goal of bringing the best varieties of keir grains and drinks to our customers in India.
From the very start, we paid special attention to educating people on what these grains are, how to use them and how to get the best value out of their investment.
From there, we expanded into selling kefir drinks within Bangalore because many customers simply didn’t want the headache of making it every day! Our customers have been our laboratory in way because we depend on their feedback and guidance on making kefirwala’s ready to drink line one of the most sought after brands in the city.

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