Jamie Thornberry

Australia, Bendigo

Our website design service has been forged from a burning passion to develop a website for a small business that converts customers while being cost effective to update on a regular basis.

Main Services:

website design, seo, local seo, digital marketing, copywriting, content creation, landing page copywriting, web design, marketing

Jamie Thornberry

Our point of difference is that we recognise that small businesses are the life blood of regional communities. With this in mind our founder Jamie Thornberry has a passion for utilising website design and SEO to help small businesses develop their digital launch platforms. We work one on one with regional based businesses to develop a digital marketing strategy that is tailored to the needs of the business.

Our digital strategy utilises website design, on site seo, off site seo, creative copywriting and local based SEO to build a strong digital launch platform for small businesses. Once the digital launch platform has been established we continue to work with small businesses to ensure that their digital foot print remains in alignment with the core goals of the business.

What we offer:

Website Design Services
With this goal in mind all of our websites are developed on a WordPress based platform making the website simple and easy to keep up to date.

SEO Services

Living out in regional communities ourselves we got sick and tired of seeing large urban based businesses ranking ahead of local based businesses. We help small businesses compete with much larger businesses in the online realm by provided SEO strategies that are tailored to local search results. This often includes assisting with on site content and managing Google my Business profiles.


What would a website be without some compelling copy to capture your readers attention. We craft website copy that keeps the reader on the edge of their seats while also effectively sating the insatiable hunger of the Google beast for fresh content.

To sum things up we are passionate about helping small businesses with developing their digital launch platforms in order to support the longevity of regional communities.

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