Innisfil BJJ

Canada, Innisfil

We teach the most practical form of martial arts for self defense in a fun playful and safe way.

Main Services:

Martial arts, Fitness, BJJ, Wrestling, Weight loss, Self defense, Gym, Cardio, Strength, Community

Innisfil BJJ

We are considered the most fun place in town. Brazilian jiujitsu is far superior to karate in that we will teach a smaller weaker person to defeat a bigger and stronger person. We make hyper kids focus. We make meek people confident. We help people get into the best shape of their lives. While you make great friends with your community. If team sports solved all of your problems, there would be no need for martial arts. However, we provide so many benefits that people tend to cross train to see the gains from our sport and how they will impact their baseball, hockey and soccer skills. Exercising at the gym can be boring. What else is better than a whole team to support you on your goal. Come find out how to hold someone down who is bigger and stronger than you. Imagine a place that keeps you focused on your goal and gives you true discipline.

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