
Thailand, Banchang

The reason I founded is my personal experience with bosses during my 37-year career.

Main Services:

Advice to disgruntled employees, Advice on how to deal with bad bosses, How to make a career despite bad bosses, Advice on how to become your own boss, Inform how affiliate marketing works


During that time I must have had about 20 different bosses or so. I only respected 3 of them, the rest were mediocre or downright miserable. I have experienced more bosses who derailed my career than advancing it. Nobody could or would help me, certainly not HR. As a result, I felt frustrated and disgruntled for long periods of time.

I could fill a book with all the misery that I encountered, yet somehow survived. Knowing that a lot of employees are in more or less the same situation, I studied how to handle bad bosses. And instead of writing a book, I decided to create a website intended to advise and help people in the same awful situations that I had been in. I thought that writing about these problems would be somewhat liberating for me and if I could help people at the same time it would be a win-win situation.

This has been my primary objective, however, there is more. I know from experience how difficult it is to turn an unfavorable situation at work around, especially when it comes to issues with management. So, whilst I initially explain what the person in trouble can do, I am also providing a failsafe, a possible way out and to become your own boss in the end.

Interested employees can connect to this failsafe through a link in each post (some 270 now) to a blog where I describe in full what affiliate marketing is. That blog has a link to the best Internet business service provider in the world, of which I have been a member myself for many years. When they become a member also through my link, I will receive a commission. This is my earning model. The beauty of this system, apart from its unique advantages, is that you can start next to your job in your own time.

These are my two primary objectives and my prime targets are disgruntled employees. However, I have also dedicated posts and space for the unemployed, retirees, working-at-home moms, and people over 50 years old. In the end, I hope to be of service to them all.

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