Ideal Office

Denmark, Kongens Lyngby

Ideal Office's mission is to help entrepreneurs start and grow their businesses in a financially sound way.

Main Services:

Virtual Office, Office rental on an hourly basis, Meeting room rental on an hourly basis, Therapy room rental on an hourly basis

Ideal Office

We do this by offering Virtual office/Virtual company address, and renting out offices, meeting rooms and conversation rooms for therapy on an hourly basis, so that companies can get started without having to invest in expensive office premises, with large deposits and long commitments.

In the long term, Ideal Office wants to expand with more locations (we currently only have one location) and with telephone service where we can help entrepreneurs answer their calls while they are busy with other tasks and thus not lose potential customers.

Ideal Office was founded in 2019 by Rico Davidsen, who himself has previously been and is still an entrepreneur, as he thought that there was a lack of offers that could make it cheaper to get started as an entrepreneur and have the option to pay as you go and thus only have expenses when it was necessary.

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