Italy, Legano
HYGIENIST is the first dedicated skin care system formulated specifically to topically treat, soothe and reduce the related symptoms of the skin condition, HS (Hidradenitis Suppurativa)

Main Services:
DETOX RITUAL 1. PURIFY CLEANSE MY BODY hygiene & purify revitalizing cleansing cream. DETOX RITUAL 2. NOURISH SOOTHE MY BODY hygiene & nourish rejuvenating skin cream. DETOX RITUAL 3. TREAT CALM MY BODY hygiene & treat equalizing repair serum. DETOX RITUAL 4. NUTURE COMFORT MY BODY hygiene & nurture instant relief cooling mist. DETOX RITUAL 5. SOOTHE RELIEVE MY BODY hygiene & soothe dead sea bath salts. DETOX RITUAL 6. COMFORT EASE MY BODY hygiene & comfort restorative bath elixir

With systematic and continuous use, HYGIENST can help to make living with the condition more comfortable.
Cosmeceutical Correctives, biocompatible alternative treatments.
The bio-compatible active principles are able to pass through the epidermis and act deep within the dermis to where the topical inflammation originates offering a degree of antibacterial, keratolytic and anti-inflammatory effects. The nutritive naturally derived technological formulations nourish, restore and protect the skin.
Hidradenitis suppurativa is a chronic skin condition.
There’s no cure, but early and continuous treatment can help to lessen the symptoms, prevent infection and arrest new lumps from forming.
As the founder, for the best part of my professional career I have collaborated with some of the most prestigious cosmetics companies from around the globe. I have been privileged to have had first hand experience working with amazing biologists, chemists and formulators and this experience has helped me to gain a profound knowledge of the cosmetics industry.
It was from all my experience in these areas that the need to nurture and develop a brand specific to living with HS was born.
After years of suffering with the HS condition myself through all hurley stages, 1, 2, & 3 with
multiple corrective surgical procedures I have investigated and tested many skin care products in trial and error, sometimes they provided some sense of relief but most times not!
I became obsessed researching my condition to understand what I could do and what are the best natural ingredients that can help.
While living and working in Italy I had the opportunity to meet and cooperate with a well known Italian biologist who helped me to understand the concept of biocompatible cosmeceuticals. Cosmeceutical products are positioned in between cosmetic and pharmaceutical products; ie: *‘a cosmetic product that is purported to have profound therapeutic action capable of affecting the skin positively beyond the time of its application.’ She enlightened me to the importance of pure effective naturally derived essential ingredients and how precise technological elaboration and combinations of these biocompatible ingredients can create profound beneficial effects.
Hygienist is the first cosmeceutical product system dedicated to help relieve the symptoms of HS, created and formulated with the love and compassion from a sufferer of HS. There are 6 products that can be used in many different treatment options for Hidradenitis Suppurativa, back acne & facial acne.
They are, Derma Protective Detoxifiers. To detox, in simple terms, means to remove or neutralize toxins.
We use the term “derma protective detoxifier” in terms of skin hygiene, nutriment and defence…
• Formulas containing antibacterial compounds to purify
• Antioxidants to reduce, inhibit or neutralize the effects of free-radical inflammation
• Nutrients to nurture, sustain and protect
• Fragrance Free
For sure I know there is no cure, but I do know that there is a sanctuary in feeling comfortable in one’s skin and that everyone has the right to this basic sensation, a sense of ease that everyone suffering with HS knows it is sometimes difficult to reach, especially on bad days.
* REF: Cosmeceuticals
Amarendra Pandey 1 , Gurpoonam K. Jatana, Sidharth Sonthalia 2
In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Pub lishing; 2021 Jan.
2021 Aug 11. (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31334943/)