Federal Retirement Experts
United States
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Main Services:
Retirement Planning, FERS Benefits Help, Federal Employee Retirement Planning, Federal Employee Benefits Help

Information vs. Real Help for Your Retirement Planning
Many of our clients began their relationship with us by asking one simple question: Why would I spend time working with your firm when I could just ask my HR or OPM about my retirement outlook? The answer comes down to what we provide that you can’t get from within the Government — personalized and comprehensive help that will make your retirement plans easy to understand and fully optimized to your goals. While it can be hard to reach OPM at times, with us you have one consistent advisor you can reach out to on your schedule, who can be relied upon to respond in a timely manner.
What to Expect From HR/OPM
When you go to HR or to OPM with your questions about your benefits in retirement, they will respond with general information.
-They can tell you when you are first eligible to retire, but not if that date is best for you.
-They can describe the spousal benefit to you but are not able to tell you about other options to protect your family.
-They can tell you your monthly government annuity pension payment in retirement but not combine it with your other income streams or your spouse’s income to give you a full picture of your total household retirement income.
-They can give you your paperwork but not help you fill it out and get it to the finish line with time to spare.
It’s not because they don’t want to help; it’s simply because they aren’t qualified or legally allowed to offer you this guidance. They are also often understaffed for the volume of applications they are processing.
What We Offer
Our Free Federal Employee Benefits Analysis report offers you more. We talk to you for as long as it takes to get a thorough idea of your needs and goals. After that, we present you with a report that covers your full journey through retirement.
When we present your report, we hope to find that your income exceeds your expenses, which is the information you need in order to retire with confidence, knowing you’ll have disposable income. If there is a shortfall, we will work closely with you to adjust your plan and maximize your income while minimizing expenses.
It is our goal for you to reach retirement with no surprises, working on getting you ahead of the obstacles many face when they retire with only the information HR and OPM provide.
Medicare, Health Care, And Life Insurance Planning
We will prepare you for the cost of your government-provided healthcare, Medicare, and Tri-Care options, and how they interact together. We’ll delve into Medicare Parts A and B, and any other sources available to you to help you make the elections that best fit your needs. Our consultants are also fully qualified to discuss long-term-care planning.
While the government provides employees with a life insurance option called Federal Employee Group Life Insurance, or FEGLI, many of our clients find that as they age, this option becomes unaffordable and may not cover all of their needs. Our consultants will go over all your options on this issue, ensuring the solution you choose fits your long-term plans.
Social Security Income and FERS Supplement Projections
Your income in retirement is more than just your annuity and TSP options. If you are a FERS employee, Social Security income plays a big role. We understand that Social Security is about more than how much you get; it’s about being sure to begin taking benefits at the right time. We will give you personalized projections on your Social Security income in retirement and help you get the most out of this vital benefit. If you plan on continuing to work after retirement, we can help you navigate how this would impact your Social Security income, as well. If you are eligible for the FERS supplement we will talk to you about the earnings test.
Spousal Income and Protection
Your retirement budget isn’t complete without a clear picture of your spouse’s income in retirement. We will also protect your spouse’s Social Security benefits, retirement account earnings, pension income, and any additional household assets guiding you along the way to maximize your income from all sources. This will give you a clear picture of your total household income. Every dollar counts, and we want to make sure you are aware of all your asset streams. We can also help you build a plan to protect your spouse and dependents financially if anything should ever happen to you.
Thrift Savings Plan
We will walk you through all of the options available to you with your TSP account, including the government TSP plan, options within TSP, rollovers, and safe investment strategies. Together, we will help you handle your TSP funds in the best way to meet your goals. We’ll demystify the financial language surrounding risk and fees so that you have a clear picture of all your options. We take your retirement seriously. We understand that you have worked hard to build your retirement account, and we will take whatever steps are needed to ensure you get the best outcome possible.
Finding Your Best Retirement Date
We use what we learn about your income and expenses, as well as your goals, to let you know a few good retirement dates. From there, we will work with you to find the date that works best for you. We’ll help you navigate your lifestyle goals and preferences, all the while maximizing your income in retirement.
A Complete Analysis of Income and Expenses
When you share your projected expenses in retirement, we combine that with your household’s available income streams and the ongoing costs of your government benefits. We present this information to you in a clear graph explaining your income vs. expenses. On top of that, we adjust the graph for inflation so you are never left stranded or uninformed.
Wrapping it All Up
The professionals at your HR office and at OPM are skilled and caring people who are great at getting you information about your retirement benefits. What many people need is real help to bring all the information together in a comprehensible way that they can take action on. This is where the consultants at Federal Retirement Experts come into play. We will partner with you to create a clear and safe path forward, like a crossing guard, getting you through the retirement process safely, clearly, and on your terms.