Feastful Fork

United States

Feastful Fork is a food website that offers recipes that are free from pork and anything that is derived from pork or pig products.

Main Services:

food recipes, food blog, food and drinks

Feastful Fork

Recipes in Feastful Fork are wide-ranged. We have Middle Eastern, Far Eastern, Western and European recipes, in addition to the ones built and cooked by our team. All recipes, whether traditional or new, are kitchen-tested. Feastful Fork does not shy away from recipes that call for pork, however, we replace that ingredient with other meats – such as chicken, beef, or lamb – or sometimes seafood. Often, pork meat is best replaced by chicken or shrimp.

The website used to be My Mothers’ Kitchens (https://mymotherskitchens.com), but we changed the name for SEO purposes and so that it will be easier to remember. Mymotherskitchens was born in 2018. The growth might have been slow, but it survived, especially with the changes in Google algorithms. Its domain authority then was 10 and had over 200 backlinks. It is our intention, with the help of Diib, to move them (DA and backlinks) over to Feastful Fork, if possible, and grow this website further.

Is it easier to grow Feastful Fork where it is now and forget about what else we can get from MyMothersKitchens? We are willing to start anywhere but determined to grow consistently. We aim to not only grow Feastful Fork as one of our goals for the website to earn money through Adsense and other means.

We trust that Diib can help Feastful Fork grow.

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