Elwood Goulart

United States, Las Vegas, NV

Not a business name. This is the legal name of man who creates websites from Las Vegas, Nevada.

Main Services:

website development, podcasting, fictional storytelling, production of 3D digital art

Elwood Goulart

This man is known widely by his nickname, Woody Goulart. The main website he operates is https://woodygoulart.com. He is best known for his fictional storytelling, podcasts, and 3D digital art released under the pseudonym, Madeira Desouza. His major fictional storytelling work is the novel-length science fiction time travel adventure saga “Baja Clavius: Moon Men Deep Inside.” The website for the science fiction time travel adventures is https://moonmendeepinside.com. The website for his podcasts is https://tabootruthsandtales.net.

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