Crazy Digital Creative

Australia, Sydney

Does writing website or sales page content drive you crazy?

Main Services:

SEO copywriting, SEO keyword research, Tone of Voice guidelines, Legal copywriting, WordPress website design\/redesign, WordPress audits, WordPress & Divi theme training, WordPress maintenance & Support, Sales page copywriting, SEO website copywriting

Crazy Digital Creative

Are you pulling your hair out at the thought of using WordPress?
Does ‘SEO’ make you think ‘WTF’?
Are you sick of being the liaison between your copywriter and web developer?
If you’ve answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, then you’ve landed in the right place. I can transform your website from ‘meh’ to ‘aMehzing’ with SEO-optimised written content and WordPress website design and redesign.

I’m your one-stop shop for your website needs. And I provide that personal touch that’s often missing with larger digital marketing agencies.

What do you get when you work with me?

* I use ethical SEO tactics (while I love black cats, I don’t love black hat SEO tactics)
* I’ve completed sales page copywriting training (which means I write sales page content that doesn’t sound like a sleazy used car salesman)
* I’m the WordPress ambassador for The Clever Copywriting School
* I’ve been a copywriting awards judge

I’m not a digital marketing agency, but rather a multi-talented chick with a kiwi accent. This means you’ll be dealing with me for your whole project, instead of playing Chinese whispers.

My business values are:
1. Satisfaction (to ensure I’ve met all your copywriting and WordPress needs)
2. Ethical (no black hat SEO or plagiarising from your competitors)
3. Fun (because a bit of playfulness fills us all with joy)
4. Understanding (because understanding your business ensure my SEO copy and web design connects to your ideal humans)
5. Transparency (because I really dislike dishonesty)
6. Knowlege (I’ll never stop learning)

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