CarePrecise LLC

United States, Tulsa

CarePrecise is a well-respected vendor of healthcare provider data.

Main Services:

Healthcare Provider Databases, Physician and allied health professionals' email addresses, CarePrecise Platinum, CarePrecise Gold, Authoritative Hospital Database, Authoritative Physician Database, ScriptFax, ScribeFax

CarePrecise LLC

Information on physicians, nurses, clinics, practice groups, hospitals, dentists, optometrists – all of the more than 7 million HIPAA-covered U.S. healthcare providers. CarePrecise offers hard-to-find linkages between practitioners and their practice groups, multiple practice locations, hospital affiliations, and health systems.
Detailed information on providers is available from many sources. What sets CarePrecise apart is its logical restructuring of the thousands of provider data files available from government and private sources – hundreds of millions of records – into easy-to-use databases that can be used without special technical skills on ordinary office computers.
Qo-Relate™ is the healthcare data collection, disambiguation, and linkage system developed by CarePrecise that manages the deeply complex tasks processes in ingesting these thousands of data points on millions of healthcare providers. Data is then “packaged” into the modular datasets of the CarePrecise lineup. Automation is critical to the company’s ability to offer data at a fraction of the prices charged by competitors. The company is completely transparent with its pricing, listing prices for all of its products and services online, meaning that potential customers do not need to engage in the cat-and-mouse pricing game experienced with other healthcare data companies.
The company, located in Tulsa, Oklahoma, boasts thousands of users, many of whom have been using CarePrecise products since early in its history. In 2008 CarePrecise LLC was spun off from a healthcare IT consultancy and is led by healthcare information veterans.
CarePrecise Products
Looking at that lineup, the first standout product is CarePrecise Platinum. The database includes all of the 7 million+ providers, with data merged from several sources within CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services), the U.S. Department of Commerce, and other public and private sources. Besides the raw data, “Platinum” includes software that rides atop the big files and makes them easy to search. The software, CP ListMaker, integrates easily with the Microsoft 365 suite, making it an unusual and welcome tool. CP ListMaker offers the ability to export lists of providers based on specialty and geographic location by zip, city, county, and state. A “Geographic Radius Search” tool is part of the software that lets the user select a central location and then capture all of the records of the chosen providers that practice within a radius of a given number of miles.
CarePrecise Gold offers the same providers, but with somewhat reduced detail. It lacks the linkages between practice groups and practitioners, and hospital affiliations. Still, with all 7 million+ providers and all of their basic contact information, CarePrecise Gold is a tremendous bargain.
Other data packages fill out the company’s flagship product line. The Authoritative Physician Database and Authoritative Hospital Database offer deeper detail on these crucially important healthcare practitioners and organizations. The hospital database includes the approximately 8,000 U.S. hospitals, with health system linkages, bed counts, and more, as well as data on more than 40,000 non-hospital medical facilities, including rehabilitation and dialysis centers, hospices, skilled nursing facilities (SNF), and more. The physician database includes the physicians’ affiliations with more than 35,000 facilities. Decision makers’ contact information is also included.
Healthcare Provider Email Addresses
CarePrecise offers email addresses separately from the line of data packages. High quality email addresses are expensive to acquire and maintain, so these are sold separately to keep the mainline products from costing thousands of dollars more. CP Preferred Email™ represents another automation tour de force, involving an innovative methodology for acquiring, vetting, and grading mail addresses, and an iterative system that constantly compares real-world delivery results of some of the largest users of the Company’s email data. Pricing is posted on the company’s website, and are based on quantity. An interesting wrinkle is the way that CarePrecise’s provider email addresses integrate with the CP ListMaker software. Users can create a tightly-focused list of, for instance, physicians by specialty and geographic area, then export a list to NPI for a count and quote of available email addresses. Email is sold with a 95% deliverability guarantee.
Data Accuracy
A 2015 study ( confirmed that a primary data source used by CarePrecise is superior in accuracy to the data served up by SK&A and even the AMA Master File.
Any database of healthcare providers needs to be updated constantly. CarePrecise releases a full update of all data products every month, and subscribers receive a link that updates their data. All of the company’s products will work on standard Windows desktops and laptops. The complete data (though not CP ListMaker) is also provided in formats that can be used in SQL, macOS, Linux, and other platforms.
First Steps
The easiest and most straightforward way to dig into the healthcare provider data universe is by using CP ListMaker. A video showing how easy it is to pull very specific lists of provider records takes only five minutes to watch. There’s an online tutorial with a comprehensive user manual, and together these supports make the CP ListMaker software included with both CarePrecise Platinum and CarePrecise Gold make it easy to get going fast.
Support is available for all the company’s products, and an onboarding session with a CarePrecise data analyst is available at no additional cost to all data subscribers of the Gold and Platinum packages.
Location Data
CarePrecise includes center-zip longitude and latitude for addresses contained in the Platinum and Gold products, useful for calculating distances and geographic radius searches. For the most accurate rooftop geocoding, customers turn to SelectGeo, a module that adds rooftop latitude and longitude to every U.S. healthcare provider address.
Placekey, a relatively new POI (Point of Interest) identifier is included in CarePrecise data packages and can be used to link the company’s data into that of marketing data vendors that can, for instance, identify how many visitors attended an appointment at which doctors’ offices, clinics, etc., or where a particular medical facility’s visitors are coming from.
CarePrecise goes a step further, with its proprietary CoLoCode, which is a hyper-conformed facility address, making it possible to identify all of the clinicians who are “
co-located,” that is, practicing at a particular location, and then link that business’s records to the practitioners.
Product Evaluation
Any of the company’s products may be purchased as a single download, with an evaluation period of up to 60 days, during which the full amount paid for the single download can be applied to the purchase of a data subscription.
All of CarePrecise products’ prices are listed on their website and are for single user/team use. Alternative licensing is available, including single-site and multi-site licenses, and special licensing for web apps and other uses. CarePrecise also offers up discounted license fees for eligible startup projects. The company is dedicated to keeping healthcare data affordable to spur innovation towards ever-improving healthcare for Americans.

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