
United States

Calocurb is a natural, dietary supplement that supports weight loss and appetite control.

Main Services:

Calocurb, Amarasate, GLP-1 Activator, Natural Appetite Suppressant, Intermittent Fasting Support, Craving Control, Natural Hops Extract, Weight Support Capsule


It contains an extract of New Zealand-grown hops called Amarasate, which is a bitter compound that is supposed to help you feel fuller for longer and reduce cravings.

Calocurb is a specially designed capsule that delivers Amarasate™ directly to the upper intestine, where it interacts with taste receptors, triggering the release of satiety hormones like GLP-1, PYY, and CCK. These hormonal messengers then tell your brain, “Time to put down the fork!” – resulting in reduced cravings, healthier portion control, and a newfound sense of control over your eating habits.

Calocurb is uniquely natural with no harsh chemicals or stimulants. Amarasate™ is 100% plant-based, offering a gentle yet effective approach to appetite control and is science-backed with clinical studies showing promising results.

Calocurb is designed to empower healthy eating habits. Combine it with a balanced diet and exercise for a truly transformative experience.

Unlike many supplement companies shrouded in secrecy, Calocurb proudly discloses its research, ingredients, and manufacturing processes. The hops used in Amarasate™ are sourced from sustainable farms in New Zealand, ensuring environmental responsibility.

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