Business Fitness

South Africa, Cape Town

Many business owners today find themselves trapped in their businesses - working, effectively, as 'Employee #1', rather than truly leading the business.

Main Services:

Executive Coaching, Executive Mentoring, Business Consulting, Board Training, Non-Executive Director Services, Board Advisory Services, Director Training, Business Restructuring

Business Fitness

This not only leads to burnout (they can’t even take a real holiday) but makes it almost impossible to realise the true value of the business and exit when they are ready, or need, to slow down.

They’ve spent decades – in most cases – building something that has value only while they remain in it and running it. And they’re overwhelmed, exhausted, frustrated and depressed at not having achieved what they set out to do when starting the business.

Business Fitness was formed by Guy Whitcroft to work with these business owners and empower them to become true business leaders, to actively lead their business, rather than just running them (and themselves into the ground) and so create a business with sustainable, lasting value that is independent of their 24×7 presence.

With a highly successful career spanning 50 years across 3 continents, primarily in the technology area, and over 30 years on boards and as CEO / COO of companies from small to multinational, Guy brings his knowledge, skills and experience to work with these business owners. During his career, he’s restructured many businesses for growth and profitability and led them through enormous growth (in one case, taking a small niche business to continent-leadership with 100-fold revenue growth and 200-fold profit growth).

Guy also writes extensively on business leadership and culture, board issues, efficiency and effectiveness, and related business topics.

Tailoring its offerings to each individual client, Business Fitness provides executive coaching and mentoring, business consulting and restructuring, board services, and executive / director training to empower business owners and executives to take their businesses to new heights.

Based in Cape Town, South Africa, and having a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of business and the regulations that apply across not just Southern Africa, but the UK and other countries that have adopted the UK’s Companies Act (2006) framework for their own environment, Business Fitness provides these services to business owners around the world.

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