Bungalow Publishing


At Growing Mindfulness, we teach people how to reduce their stress and enjoy their lives more, with no-nonsense, easy-to-learn mindfulness e-courses.

Main Services:

Karma Kickstart | Mindfulness e-course, Mindfulness ABC | Easy reminder service, Happy Harmony | Better relations e-course, Personal Coaching | Mindfulness from Marisa

Bungalow Publishing

It’s mindfulness without the woo-woo: no folding into a pretzel, no incense burning, just the practical teachings from former self-confessed stress junkie Marisa Garau.
Whether you’ve never heard of mindfulness or if you’re familiar with mindfulness but can’t stand the meditations, and you want to create a clearer mindset and balmier inner weather., then this is for you.
Marisa has helped thousands and thousands of people to find clarity and balance and enjoy their lives more. Marisa calls it “mindfulness for you and me”.
Let’s kick some stress!

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