Blue Chip CRO

United States, Columbus

Blue Chip CRO is a fractional chief revenue officer service that helps founders and CEOs accelerate growth without the overhead of full-time executive leaders.

Main Services:

Consulting, Fractional leadership, Revenue growth

Blue Chip CRO

A chief revenue officer owns the full revenue cycle from marketing to sales and customer success. What sets me apart from other sales consultancies and marketing agencies is I’m looking at the full buyer lifecycle to help each team align and grow quicker. Often the founder or CEO will hire a sales consultant or marketing agency and tries to manage them, alongside the other responsibilities they have. Lack of oversight and integration is why many consultants and marketing agencies fail. Blue Chip CRO is an added layer of management to help drive the tactics needed that align with a full revenue strategy. Marketing messaging that doesn’t align with problems being solved by customer success creates demand for users that will eventually churn. Companies need to understand from customer success what customers are seeing certain results and which problems are being solved. Then take that information over to marketing to get them creating content around that data. Then hand those marketing assets and content to sales to help shorten the sales cycle. Without someone looking at those teams holistically, siloes start to form and the business starts to realize higher acquisition costs, lower lifetime value, sales cycles increasing, and conversion metrics start to decline.

There are a few common trigger events that occur in a company’s lifecycle that indicate my services are needed.
– Planning for headcount growth
– Not growing fast enough, stalled growth
– Missing revenue forecasts
– Customer churn increases
– Sales teams generating all the leads, no marketing support

Each of these problems requires a customized approach toward properly diagnosing and solving. There is no one playbook for these types of problems despite what other consultancies might say. They will often deploy their own playbooks and processes which often require full re-engineering of the customer’s systems and training, but often are untested in that customer’s industry, product/service, customer type, stage, level of sophistication, etc causing a lot of wasted time to deploy “their system” instead of building a system aligned to each unique customer needs.

We believe revenue growth and acceleration only work if the strategy and tactics are aligned. Creating strategy isn’t an overnight event. This requires thoughtful brainstorming, debate, testing, and buy in. Doing this right takes time and is the first step toward accelerating growth. Next is identifying the tactics underneath the strategy to drive execution. This involves ownership and accountability, as well as frequent monitoring to tweak along the way. Testing is often required when it relates to content, messaging, application, sales process, and onboarding. Executing tactically is how we help clients and another differentiator. Many consultants build the strategy, but leave the execution to the client. We want to own the execution so we can be accountable for the results.
The enemy of aligned growth is “growth at all costs” and we won’t take engagements that are looking for a short-term fix to revenue or a quick ROI. We exemplify the term “hockey stick growth” and we focus on the blade part of the hockey stick. Meaning, we take the necessary time to do the work before growth is achieved. Doing this will allow us to grow faster over a longer period of time.

A fractional chief revenue officer is the solution to growing companies that don’t have the cash flow to invest in high-level full-time salaries. Growing companies need to invest in the tactics and building the engine to generate revenue. These tactics include content creation, testing distribution channels, demand generation and capture, a well defined and structured sales process, sales and marketing teams aligned in messaging, and a buyer focused customer journey. Leading these initiatives are important, but often unnecessary to fill a full time executive with a high base salary. A fractional chief revenue officer is the answer to growing companies helping with oversight and management of creating a revenue strategy and managing the tactics needed to grow profitably.

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