Block Therapy Bliss
lock Therapy Bliss is a company that provides The Block Therapy program that helping people live better lives

Main Services:
Block Therapy , Block Therapy Classes , Block Therapy Blocks , Block Therapy Assessments , Block Buddy , Block Baby , Fascia Assessements

We all know the importance of self-care. We need to take care of ourselves so that we can continue providing for our families, friends, and community every day!
Block Therapy Bliss is a company that provides The Block Therapy program that helping people live better lives.
As the first Block Therapy Instructor/Therapist in Australia. Helen discovered Block Therapy when she was looking for a solution to the cellulite on her thighs. For many years, she had searched for a solution. Some worked to an extent, but nothing like the changes that she got with Block Therapy.
But that’s not all the relief she got. Helen hurt her hip 20 years ago and has since become accustomed to the dull pain and mobility restriction. Resigned to having to live with it, Helen was so surprised when one morning she realised that the pain was gone and that she could move so much easier than she had the day before. Each day as Helen unwinds and melts her stuck fascia she feels younger and younger.
What is Fascia?
When I talk about Block Therapy, people ask me what Fascia is. They don’t know because it’s still new and not many people know about it. Research on it is just getting started. Fascia is still not well known, even among scientists and doctors. Research is at the beginning stage.
Fascia is found in every organ and tissue throughout the body. It is also the densest network in our body. Fascia can be thought of as a web-like system that connects our bones to muscle. Think of it as your “skeleton” providing support to all its other structures.
Fascia is a tightly packed structure composed of fine collagen fibers in an orderly wave pattern. This orderly wave pattern is what gives its flexibility, the more chaotic the fibers become, the less flexible it is. Collagen fibers are created by fibroblasts in the fascia that connect two bones. Fasciae differ from ligaments and tendons because they are located differently in our anatomy.
This web-like network covers everything throughout the body. This means it isn’t just one layer, like muscles that are bundled together. The fascia surrounding an individual muscle is called myofascia and these muscles are called fasciculi (little bundles). Fascia can be found everywhere from the top to bottom and front to the back of the human body.
Think of grapefruit, the peel is like the outer fascia. Each segment is encased in fascia, and when you break open the segment, each piece within the segment is enclosed in fascia.
This is the fascial tissue that covers all of our muscles and organs, it’s called “subcutaneous.” The segment of the orange is the inner part which is the “deep fascia.” It is like how an orange has segments that are wrapped around. The whole body is just one big mass of muscle covered by these layers of fascial tissue, so muscle in your could be connected to any other.
In 2007 the first international Fascia Research Congress, held at Harvard Medical School, launched a new demand for attention to the fascia system. Since that event fascia has repeatedly been referred to as the “Cinderella story” of anatomy, speaking both to its intrigue and geekiness among those who study it.
What is the Function of Fascia?
Fascia has many functions such as giving shape to parts or providing protection for some internal structures.
Fascia has been called the “second brain,” because it contains nerves that send signals to the spinal cord and brain in addition to containing blood vessels and lymphatic channels. This nerve structure makes it almost as sensitive as skin. We depend on this system for our everyday well-being.
Fascia is a fibrous tissue that encases muscle, ligaments, tendons, and other connective tissue. Fascia serves as a storage medium of fat and water; as a passageway for lymph, nerve, and as a protective padding to cushion and insulate.
It helps regulate our body temperature, by insulating it from outside temperatures. This is why when your cold your skin will become flush with a rosy hue because there’s more blood flow near the surface where the fasciae are located.
Fascia also helps protect our organs by giving them space and padding so they don’t get injured or become diseased. Without fascia, our muscles would be unable to contract or relax, and we’d be paralyzed. We would just be a blob of tissue, blood vessels, muscles, and bones.
Fascia is rich with nerves, which provide a pathway for nerve signals to flow to the brain. Clearing up these tissue helps create bodily awareness (proprioception) and our ability to control our movements.
We know that it affects all our muscles bones nerves, and every organ throughout our body and is crucial to our overall health.
The full extent of this network is still unknown, and scientists are still discovering new facts about it.
Research has recently made this important discovery: fascia stores and releases chemicals for eons, which is why we need to maintain a healthy balance of these fluids in the body. Fascia research is still in its infancy but it’s promising to say the least.
How does your fascia become unhealthy?
It is not our fault that our fascia becomes unhealthy. We live in a world that constantly stresses out the fascia. When it is stressed all the time, it starts to break down.
Fascia is like a rubber band that can hold our body out of alignment with up to 14,000 kilopascals. It’s really difficult for us to realign the fascia because we have only had stretching and massage as treatments before this new discovery.
Gravity pulls us down. Our body needs movement to be healthy. We live in a world where most people are still sedentary, meaning they are not moving much. Our fascia needs movement to remain healthy.
Why should we care about scar tissue?
Scarring can be the start of a lot of problems. If you have tight and inflexible fascia, this means that your muscles are constantly tense because they’re trying to heal wounds or injuries but never really did get healed in the first place.
The tighter this gets on our muscle tissues is like wrapping it with rope until there’s no room left for circulation–it becomes even harder not only to move around freely but also just relax without any relief from pain! Our fascia is the stuff that connects our muscles to one another. If we’re constantly repetitively or if we stand in misalignment, it causes chronic inflammation which increases the risk for conditions like arthritis- and no wonder! Fascia responds differently than other connective tissue when exposed to stimuli, meaning they can’t heal as easily because of how sensitive they are.
Most of us are unaware we have this problem until it the pain becomes chronic and starts to interfere with your daily life. Imagine if you hurt your arm, and every time you move it in a certain way it hurts, you then stop moving it in that way, which then further damages your fascia. We get stuck in this cycle of avoiding pain we are in fact creating more pain. We need healthy fascia for our everyday functioning like walking, sitting up from lying down, or bending over without pain.
The tighter our fascia becomes the less mobility and the more pain we experience. And the more our bodies begin to compress inwards, stopping the flow of blood and oxygen to our cells.
When cells are starved of oxygen it causes:
– Pain – eventually chronic
– Inflammation and stagnancy of flow
– Size gain
– Energy loss
– Loss of mobility and freedom of movement
– Poor posture
– Compromised efficiency of your system
– The list goes on…
Fascia is a tough, thick layer of tissue that encloses and supports the muscles. When fascia becomes unhealthy it can lead to all sorts of problems like joint pain, back pain, neck pain and more.
How Fascia Affects our range of Mobility
When you stretch your muscles, they will lengthen and decompress. If you have repetitive stress or injury, then your muscles can become hardened and lose elasticity. This can lead to pain. Our natural instinct is to stop doing what hurts when we are in pain.
The less movement you have, the more it can hurt. When the fascia tightens and doesn’t move, it can cause pain all over your body. If the adhesions melt or we work around that area of your body, then you will feel relief all over.
Once the adhesions are melted, your muscle can stretch and become longer. And this will help you to have more range of motion for that muscle.
Block Therapy was created by Deanna Hansen. She had a lot of pain and depression when her physical health began to deteriorate, so did her body. One evening she experienced a terrible anxiety attack. As the fear and stress washed over her, she intuitively pushed her hand into her tummy.
And her journey of self-discovery happened. It was not long before her body started to change. Her weight started to drop, and she noticed that there was an improvement in her chronic pain.
Most significantly, this treatment helped with her depression and anxiety. She then used it to help her other patients in her practice and they felt better too.
It is a self-guided technique that lets you explore your body. You will use your Block Buddy, which will enable you to release the adhesions in your fascia. This will help blood and oxygen to flow more easily throughout the body.
Taking care of your fascia is a lifelong process
Visit our website our join our Facebook group to see more Block Therapy Reviews and issues that people have turned to Block Therapy for.
Block Therapy consists of three minutes lying down on the therapeutic tool called the “Block Buddy” while going through different movements throughout your body and slowly sinking into its surface as gravity pulls us downward towards earth.
Bamboo is used because unlike artificial materials like foam or plastic, wood shares a similar density to the bone which allows deeper penetration under pressure from weight applied to it against gravity before coming back up again over time–allowing more blood and oxygen to flow to your cells.
We recommend starting with the Blocks Buddy Starter Program., which includes:
* Block Buddy, Block Baby or both
* 9 unique classes that build upon each other giving you detailed instructions.
* Education on what Fascia is
* 2 hour Block Therapy Intensive to take care of your lungs
For the longer classes, you can split them if you are short of time
You also have the option to purchase Block Therapy Assessments and live (zoom) Block Therapy Classes
With Block Therapy is where your fascia gets the time and attention it deserves.