Best Movies Of

United States

Are you looking for some of the best movies you may have never seen?

Main Services:

Movie recommendations and reviews, Movie box office rankings, List of movies receiving major awards, Highly regarded movies by critics and moviegoers, The best actors, actresses, and directors of the past 100 years, Find the best movies by genre, Discover the release order and timeline order of a series of movies

Best Movies Of

Do you want to discover some of the best movies from years ago, or those that might have slipped by unnoticed at one time or another? Would you like to look up the movies from each year that received the most awards? Or the movies that succeeded at the box office? Or maybe movies that might not have been as highly recognized at the time, but are now well-regarded in retrospect by moviegoers or critics?

Using data analytics, we find the best movies of every year, as well as those of actors and directors who’ve consistently starred in or made quality movies. With our detailed box office statistics going back to 1927, records of awards received and nominations, and a hearty set of accumulated critical and moviegoer reviews, you can sort each set of movies by box office ranking, awards, reviews, or the people involved, or your own preferred combination of each.

With twice the population now than what we had in the 1950s, and three times that of the 1920s, adjusting box office numbers for inflation still greatly favors more recent releases. For example, using only an adjustment for inflation, a movie seen by 50% of the population today would have had to be seen by 100% of the population in the 1950s just to be considered “equal”! Not fair!

We uniquely adjust box office numbers not only according to inflation, but also to the United States population at the time, giving a much more accurate picture of what we call “box office popularity”, which is roughly a measure of the percentage of the population of the time who paid to see each movie in a theater.* (This measure took a hit in 2020 and 2021 with the pandemic and the rise of streaming, but is a fairly accurate comparison across all the preceding years.)

In addition, our awards records go back to the first Academy Awards, and also include BAFTA (British Academy of Film and Television Arts), the Cannes Festival, the American Film Institute, the Writers Guild of America, the Screen Actors Guild, and the Directors Guild of America, among others.

We also have specialty lists that include the top 100 box office movies of all time by our measure, top directors, and top actors across their careers. You can also find lists such as the Star Wars and Marvel films and other series that can be sorted by release sequence and timeline, in addition to all the measures above. We also find the best movies in various genres, such as holiday movies, romantic comedies, movies about baseball, and a growing list of others.

If you’re in the mood to find some great movies that you might have missed or maybe not even heard of, is the place to explore!

*Caveat: We don’t pretend to give an accurate representation of the international film market. Our data is heavily weighted toward the United States and English-speaking film markets, because that’s what we have that’s fairly complete and reliable. You will see some of the best international films appear in our rankings due to reviews and certain awards, but our lists should not be considered as a “worldwide best of”.

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